Republican Presidential Race


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Wow, gets more & more entertaining. Remember being puzzled why there were so many candidates? Seems like a rather brilliant strategy is emerging, appealing to as wide a voter base as possible.
1. Ben Carson - the man is obviously far more intelligent than his inane remarks suggest. His purpose has been served, to demonstrate that opposition to Obama wasn't racial, pandering to Americans of color voters. His initial surge of popularity was probably a surprise, and his personna had to be dumbed down to keep him from being a serious contender.
2. Carly Fiorina - gotta have a woman included, to distract Hillary votes.
3. Marco Rubio - can't forget the Latino vote.
4. Ted Cruz - and the far right who hates the government they expect to save them.
5. Donald Trump - the phenomenon! Considered a joke last time around, his ascendancy to the top flabbergasted the puppet masters who thought they were in control. Wake up call that the Republican faithful have become disgruntled with the performance of the party establishment chosen, as further evidenced by the poor showings of Jeb! & Walker. My insurance man is all in with Trump because he says the Donald is his conscience. Not sure exactly what he means, but think it includes wannabe aspirations of wealth & power, and continuation of a comfortable status quo in my 92% white small town.

And the multitude of other candidates all have niche regional support which will hopefully transfer to the winner. Perhaps the REAL establishment chosen one is biding his time for a dramatic second coming?

Popcorn, anyone?


Active member
Mar 24, 2010
Indianapolis, IN

Though somewhat alarming and scary to me, I have to agree that primary season is, indeed, a popcorn-eating event.  My home county (where I grew up) was written about in Politico recently as Trump County, USA, currently committed to Trump.  Wow...

I'll state this much, there is no candidate out there who I gravitate to.  This will likely be another Presidential Election where I vote for the lesser of all evils to me.

I always vote, because I feel as though I cannot complain about things political unless I've had some link to it.  There still is no better way, to be linked in imo, than voting.


New member
Mar 13, 2014
Greers Ferry Ark
I have lived in the Great state of Bill and Hilary.(disappointment)We were at a Local Arkansas Travelers Baseball Game.(little Rock) Bill and Hillary entered the Baseball Stadium. News Reporters were everywhere.A Smaller local Basket ball coach which had just led his team to their first NCAA basketball tour.The Reporters swarmed the Coach. Bill,Hillary were furious at the reporters for leaving them to talk to the coach.A one lone reporter was left.The price of bread and milk had skyrocketed oil prices had went to an all time low.The Reporter asked "Bill,Hillary what do you think of this rise in milk and bread???? Hillary Said I don't worry about the cost of bread and milk you people buy for my bread and milk and stomped out of the Stadium .

We live in the greatest country in the world(United States of America) where we enjoy the right to vote.Where we have the right to choose for our family's(Choose Wisely) and our( Christian values) Yes I am a Christian and I will defend it. Choose Wisely. Just My two cents for what it is worth. I like Mike Huckabee but don't think he has a chance.Doc Carson will be my choice think he has some good polices but don't think he has the backing to get them done.


New member
Mar 13, 2014
Greers Ferry Ark
(policies/issues)Immigration,abortion,10-15% flat rate tax on all americans,Gun control ect his Christian Values,Very smart,Very Good speaker off the top of his head. Just My 2 cents no offense.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
I'm w/ Jackie on the flat tax.

Debates were entertaining. Interested to see how things heats up as we get closer to election day next year.


New member
Mar 13, 2014
Greers Ferry Ark
Great to live in a country Where we are (Free to choose) The United States of America. Please Vote.

We are scared of Trump he Backed Bill and Hillary.We think he is running point for Hillary.She is a very smart well educated Lady but cannot back her views/policies on abortion and Gun Control.


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
The only smarts that Hillary (or Bill) have are how to lie, cheat, and swindle people for their OWN benefit and do it in such a way that they get away with it. 

A politician is a person that has the ability to tell you to go to H*ll and make you look forward to the trip!


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Anyone hear that the latest emails that the FBI recovered. Indicated that Hillary and President Obama were alerted that assets were on hand to defend our embassy at Bengazi. Yet these Americans were left to die just to protect a political stance. If anyone wants to vote for Hillary get right behind Jane Fonda in the polling booth. Jane didn't care how our POWS suffered during her visit to North Vietnam. Matter of fact she turned one of them in for slipping her a message. The message was just to let his family know that he was still alive.

Just imagine if Franklin D. Roosevelt on Dec 8 1941. Gave this speech instead of his famous " Day of Infamy " address to the joint session of Congress.

" My fellow Americans yesterday , Dec 7 1941, 2400+ of our citizens and military , were killed by an aerial assault by the Japanese Imperial Naval forces.
I am asking that all of us try and understand what we have done to make them hate us so much. For surely we are at fault somehow. Only a small percentage of the Japanese actually attacked us at Pearl Harbor. The vast majority of the Japanese people want peace as much as we do. So in that vein I am asking that you the Congress of the United States to pass immediately stricter gun control laws. This disarming of our American citizens will convince the Axis powers of our true wish for peace. "

If that sounds too outlandish please refer to Presidents Obama's latest speeches. Prior to the the election I got into a heated discussion with an Obama supporter. His biggest reason for this was Obama was bring the boys home. Yes he was I admitted but at what price ? I fought in a war ( Vietnam ) that was won by our military but lost by our politicians. I don't think our guys wanted to come home with a job half done. I replied to my friend that if we do not fight them over there. We will be fighting them  here.

Isis and its many offshoots are fighting to establish a Caliphate. There only aim is to convert the entire world to their version of the Islam faith. All infidels must die which once again if you don't believe exactly as they do you are an infidel. Exactly where would negotiations begin ? Most Americans , myself included, don't want another war. But we are already in one whether we want one or not. The only choice we have now is to either fight back or be lead to slaughter like sheep. If we continue to '' contain " Isis and try to fight a nice " clean " " politically correct war we will LOSE.

I watched the entire debate last night and was disturbed by the CNN's panel extreme concern trying to get any of the canidates. To say they would not be bothered killing women and children and other non-combantants. I am sure President Harry Truman was bothered when he ordered the dropping of two nuclear devices. Allied experts had determined that invading the Japanese home islands was going to cost at least 1 million American lives. If the same casualty ratio was carried into the invasion of the home islands. At least 12 million Japanese people were going to be killed. His terrible decision had to weigh heavily on him. Yet he made it knowing in the long run that lives were actually saved. Much of our revisionist history fails to take that into account. I was waiting for one of the Republicans to bring that up as an example.

Any military is designed for two things. To kill people and break things. When your side breaks things and kills people at a rate that the other side cannot abide you win. If you fight it any other way you will surely lose. Our media does not understand this most basic of human conflict.

To have peace BOTH sides in a conflict must want it. Isis and their minions do not want peace they want their world Caliphate. So basically our choices are

1. prosecute the war as it is now and continue to lose ( Hillary has stated she supports Obama's policy )
2. pull out entirely and wait until they come en mass over here to convert or kill us. Not working out too well in Paris or San Bernadino
3. Elect someone who promises to actually fight the war the way it should be fought.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Not working out too well in Paris or San Bernadino

Or Chattanooga either - FBI director finally said that they ruled the case as terrorism.


Nov 20, 2013
Once called the Black Sheep of my once Liberal family, yes that's right they have for the most part ALL switched to the side where work and paying taxes have value ethic's over those that steal guns, shoot at drug deals gone bad, or simply burn some city because Crack head steals something cause his Federal EBT has over drawn. This is what the Obama Nation has delivered to us with his claim to change and hope. Hilly the goat will be much the same. She has already stated that what difference does it make.
Mr Trump need to win and appoint Hilly as the ambassador to Libya and run this country as a business should be ran for a change. It's going to be a long painful task and hard on our pocket books. But the alternative is much worse.
If you own your own business, live as a Christian and believe in that God, and shoot or draw pictures of guns, who else but a GOP could you vote for?


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Mr Trump need to win and appoint Hilly as the ambassador to Libya

My, would that be justice served!

We all know that Hillary could even screw that up somehow, then lie her way out of it.