Political Rant


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Don't know how most people feel about the " Affordable Care Act " or its more popular name Obamacare.

But the one thing I cannot understand . Is if it is so great. How come :

A. Big Business get exemptions
B. Political buddies like the labor unions that fought for this get exemptions
C. Congress get exemptions

Only the common folk , the poor , the middle class and Joe Sixpacks of the country. We are getting it shoved down our throats.

I hope the 2014 elections , show the powers that brought us this, how wrong they were. If not I think we will be joining the ranks of the has beens as far as countries go.

A reading of Gibbons " Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire " might awaken a few as to what is going on. Weapons of war and countries have changed but politics and people have remained the same.


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Well...... not real thrilled. Some changes have to be done at my small biz (day job) so we don't have the hammer fall on us. Deadlines are looming. If our biz was much bigger, no clue what we would do. No clue how A LOT of places are going to get through some of the forced changes.

I would love to see the rates stop jumping by double digit percentages every renewal....... but no clue how to get there. This attempted solution is sure going to hurt a lot of people. Although, i do not believe it is the INTENTION of the administration to bankrupt the country and we all are pretty much stuck in this situation. I am hoping for the best - time will tell.

The exemptions are a joke, but those same groups get advantages across the boards. It does get old.


Apr 24, 2010
Lubbock, Tx
Its more than just political Papa, the last figures I saw were 62 % of all Americans against it.If its good enough to shove down all of our throats,why is is not good enough for Congress,Big Labor unions and Selected corporations.

Cant believe how many of these Senators will be able to go home and face their constituents,if the next few days go as it sounds it might.

We all know Cruz's effort last night and today probably wont make a big difference,but I for one am proud to have my home state rep stand up and at least give it his ALL.McCain,Reid and the other ilk appear to be totally clueless.

BTW Im still waiting on my 2500 per year decrease in cost BHO promised...........


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Actually, as of Oct. 1, my personal 'expense' of insurance will (should) drop by quite a bit (with an improved plan as well) but we also had to make some big changes in other aspects of the biz to make it work. One door opens but the draft pushes two others closed. :( I do not like the idea, but who the he!! knows where we will be six months from now.

Having two young kids and in the mid/low portion of America, we have scratched and clawed to keep our heads above water, cavities filled, butts clothed, power on and able to keep credit scores in the 800's. Worth every stinking pinched penny though. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

Radtexan said:
......BTW Im still waiting on my 2500 per year decrease in cost BHO promised...........



Well-known member
May 22, 2012
I've seen socialized medcine programs in effect in Germany & Canada.

They are great until you get sick.

Personally I am against Obamacare because the bill is 906 pages of legaleze that the population of folks the bill addresses cannot understand.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
The only positive I see is based on a personal issue. My dad is 63 and has worked his A$$ off for the same company for 41 years with decent health insurance. My mother has Polycystic Kidney Disease and has never had to hold a job. Living off one income was tough when I was growing up, layoffs, broken down vehicle, wearing hand me down clothes, potatoes every night for dinner, etc... My dad wants to retire. But... as of now he can't because he cannot get insurance for my mother due to her pre-existing condition. I feel bad for him. He's too old to be working in a steel factory. But for now he just keeps swimming. Just like the rest of us I suppose.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
This subject can get me on my "Soap Box" but will make it short.
If it is good enough for us it should be good enough for every one.
They really put some thought into this thing Examples?
1. You have to get a check up every year ... In order for the Doctors we have now to get this one thing done would take 7.5 hours per day to get it done ... What does that leave?
2. Understand that the last effort of "AD Money" to tell us how good it is cost $60 Million ... Now the big thing has been to insure the "Uninsurabale" which according to "Them" is 30 million ... now if they made an account for each one of them of 1 Million of the "Ad Money" we would have had 30 million left over.
I could go on & on ....
Off Of "Soap Box"

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
There is an iceberg floating around that is very capable of sending the US over an edge we can't return from and obamacare is a small part of it. I'm seeing a lot of the full time jobs where I work being replaced with contract labor and those guys working less than 30 hours a week. I would be willing to bet we aren't the only ones. I really haven't kept up with it that much, because there isn't much I can do about it, other than vote for the people with the same believes I have. I do know that my out of pocket insurance has gone up and my coverage has gone down since this started. From what I can see the insurance companies didn't wait for it to kick in before they got started. But again that is just the insurance side of it. What about the rest of it. A pound of bacon to wrap around the dove I cooked the other night cost nearly seven bucks, and it goes on and on and the wheel keeps turning.

Dang thats more than I have typed to say nothing on something I think will hurt us in a long time. I'm just opposite of you Russ. When you look at history and see what caused other nations to fail and you see us doing the same thing, I really have to wonder if the ones in charge, The Feds. and the world banks, aren't trying to cause it. I really believe they want a one world money system and one world government and as bad as the world economy is a bankrupt America is a good way to make it happen.

OK pick it apart guys.... :D


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
"I would love to see the rates stop jumping by double digit percentages every renewal....... but no clue how to get there. This attempted solution is sure going to hurt a lot of people. Although, i do not believe it is the INTENTION of the administration to bankrupt the country and we all are pretty much stuck in this situation. I am hoping for the best - time will tell. "

Russ- if the administration is not intending to bankrupt us. I would hate to see the results if they were trying. Because they are doing a bang up job of it as it is.

Every time we hit the limit on federal spending they vote to raise it. Why bother having one ?
President Obama said the health care act would cost 900 billion , latest projected costs are closer to 3 trillion.

I can imagine my wife's reaction if I told her I was going to spend 9000 on a boat and come home with one @ 27,000. Let's just say I would be a divorce statistic and a whole heck of a lot poorer. If I was the Federal Government I could tell her I was actually planning on spending 35,000 so actually I cut my spending by 8000 and should be thanked for it. ;-)

If only Americans watched the Federal budget ( when we have one ) as close as we watch our own. Nancy Pelosi recently stated that they have already cut all that can be cut. Lets see if I can find a place to start.

If I am a homegrown terrorist and go abroad. While in country X I decide to be a suicide bomber and blow myself to smithereens. Guess who pays for whats left to be shipped back to USA for proper burial. The Federal government pays with our tax dollars.
If I am a loyal US citizen and I die from natural causes while abroad. Guess who pays to ship my remains back home. My family or estate.
Wonder if Nancy can bear to quit paying for this ?


Apr 24, 2010
Lubbock, Tx
its not as much as what its going to do to me or my immediate family.I do expect to see higher rates in the very near future,and a decline in health care services the more Uncle Sam gets involved in the practice..Most of my family works in the small business sector that dont have all the mandates as larger employers.But we will be affected. My biggest concern is what it has already and will continue to do to the job market in general.

We have all see what BHO policies have done to unemployment,food stamps,millions that have even qit looking for work,but Obama care will make the other strategies look pale.

This is a very partial list of companies that are already making cuts in hours,pay and coverages due to O'care.

300 + announce changes



Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
What scares me most Rad. Is the ease of which the American voting citizens can be duped. No other President was ever re-elected with such drab economic performance during his first term.

His most loyal bloc of supporters are the ones his policies have hurt the most. The younger voters, single female voters , minority voters have all fared worse and the stats bear it out. Yet President Obama has a unique talent. That is he dis-associates himself from his policies. He tells them how hard he is fighting for them against all the powers in Washington. Convincing them enough to four more years of economic futility. He is the power in Washington. Look how often he circumvents the Constitution. His AG and himself thwart Congressional hearings by not complying, look at the fast and furious and Benghazi hearings.

The other thing that has me concerned is the Republican establishment response strategy. In that let the Obama care be passed and funded and fully enacted. When the thing implodes and collapses upon itself . Then the people will elect Republicans to fix everything. Trouble with that strategy. Look at Detroit Michigan. It is so bad there yet they still keep electing liberal progressive Democrats whose policies have ruined Detroit. Last spring we went thru Detroit to visit some relatives near the UP. I was shocked to see an American city look like post world war II German cities.

The Republican establishment has given us moderate nominees the last 2 elections. Both had their respective clocks cleaned. I don't know if the time has come for a 3rd party or not. But the Republicans are fast becoming not conservative enough for me. Its almost they are like a " democrat lite ".


New member
Feb 1, 2013
Not sure what the right answer is??? I agree that if it is that great, then why the exemptions???? Companies such as Wal-Mart, Papa John's have definately contributed to this mess. Keeping their employees under a 40 hour work week to sidestep healthcare. Did any of you know that if Papa John's raised the price of their pizzas 14 cents they could have affordable healthcare for their employees. They choose to keep their employees underpaid and uninsured. Wonder if Peyton Mnning realizes that as he helps push their product??? IMHO, in this day and age, if you are willing to give up 8 hours of your time, 40 hours a week. Not only should you get healthcare; you should not fall under the poverty level for income at years end and necessitate government assisstance. When the greedy corporations and politicians are forced from under their golden parachutes is when we will see equality and fairness both in the workplace and in our government. I fear we are a long way from that point though and may never see it again.