Picking Crawlers


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Anybody else pick and keep their own nightcrawlers. Windy and rainy last night but managed to pick apprx. 400. This took less than an hour.

I have fridge in garage and keep them in styrofoam flats. Usually keep in storage 500-1500 on hand. Anymore than that it gets to be a headache in caring for them. The Canadian Nightcrawler's range doesn't go much beyond middle of Ohio. These worms must be stored in temps @ 40 F.

When I first learned about picking we did it standing bent over with a flashlight. Which is the hardest and slowest way of doing it. On non-rainy nights I use raingear pants , a lightweight adjustable head lamp and crawl around on all fours.

Most ever picked in one night. Friend and I managed 26,000 in one night at a golf course. Which was 52 flats of 500 each. That night was an aberration. It had rained so hard that thousands of worms were flushed from their holes. Instead of picking them we actually scooped them that night. At the time we were getting 20 dollars a flat wholesale. Though we worked @ 12 hours that day friend and I still say it was the easiest 1000 dollar day we ever had.

The next day when we physically counted and sorted the worms in their individual flats was the hardest 1000 I ever worked for.

Best book I ever read on this subject was titled " The Nightcrawler Manual ".
I forget the author's name but he knew his stuff.



Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
I pull my own also but do not keep near that many, maybe 4-5 dozen. Have done so for years but got sticker shock (2 years back when it was so dry) when i had to buy them. Seems that every gas station has a cooler set aside for them now..... and they sure stick it to you!!!

Growing up i can remember spending many nights out gathering worms with my Dad. :cool: Used to break half of them off in the hole. Had my son out a few times last year and he loved it - has already asked me this year if i needed to get worms. Think he would rather gather worms than actually fish. ha!


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
"Lunkers Love Nightcrawlers" by the staff at Fishin Facts magazine. When I can I'll go out and pick them. My nephews gripe and complain about the cost of worms but they won't go out and catch them themselves!!! The above book has alot of good info even as old as it is. Can't wait to get my grand daughter out to try it this summer!!!!


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
FM- yeah I read that book too which is geared toward the fishing side of it. The book " the nightcrawler manual " is all about the biology and life of the nightcrawler. How to collect them , the gear used and more info then you could imagine. Anyone know that they sell futures on nightcrawlers on the stock market. They do just like they do wheat , pork etc etc..

During a real bad northern drought in the 90's don't remember exactly which year. A lot of professional pickers broke their contracts. Because the price of night crawlers soared to more than 4 times their normal wholesale rates. At that time avg wholesale a flat of 500 ran 20 bucks. At the droughts end they were going for 82.00. Canadian sod farms usually lease picking rights to bidding companies. For some strange reason people of Greek descent used to dominate the population of the pickers by a vast majority until the emigration of southeast asians in the late 80's.

Another odd fact nightcrawlers can live to be as old as 25 years. Once they get pulled from their hole ( usually during breeding ) sometimes by heavy rains. That record night that I was talking about. The 2nd best night we ever had was 21 flats which was 10,500 worms. Just to show how exceptional that night was.

UPDATE --- Author of the Nightcrawler Manual is Ray Edwards cost of book @ 12.00
I don't know the entire range of the night crawler.I know they aren't found south of the middle of Ohio. Don't know how far west or north.
