Oppressive Heat


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
As most of you have noticed I have been absent from the board for the last few weeks. I have been having to can produce from the garden. We have done good this year but of late the oppressive heat has the garden about burnt up.

Will can the last of the tomatoes. This will be the last of the canning until fall garden takes shape and we get more rain. I still have 12 pepper plants that I have kept going by watering. The okra is just about gone and will get the pods when they dry for this next year.

The Garden is just cleaned off and will wait for the fall rains and then plant the fall crops like beans, greens, beets, and carrots. Garden still has to be tilled but the ground is to hard like concrete.

So these last few days I have been working on the last of the fall jigs and have filled three more boxes. Also poured and painted 48 pony heads. Still have to organize the tackle bucket. Still need to work on the boat but will wait till the weather gets cooler before I get to that job. On top of that I have a cord of wood in the front yard that needs to be cut in chunks and split. That will have to wait till this fall and cooler weather. We sure need to get some rain and cooler weather. Its killing out trees in the woods and once again it will be a season of worry of wildfires.

Hope that this updates everyone of why I haven't been around and what I am up against. Will be more active until this oppressive heat lets up.


Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
It'll be the end of September before the heat lets up around here.... Hopefully we will get some rain here soon also.


Active member
Jun 28, 2010
115 today . Foundation cracked on the house and a runner is going up the wall through the sheet rock . I figure by fall I'll have a sky light even if I don't want one . Shop air went out that is very very bad . Ispend more time there than anywhere else . Time to move to Alaska , PA . New York City where the bad salsa is made .


Apr 24, 2010
Lubbock, Tx
Wondering where you been ?

Your making me feel lazy,,,,,,,,,,,,,I aint done a fraction of all that year !!



quivira kid

New member
Sep 11, 2010
Newton, Kansas
My buddy's dad put 100+ tomato plants in the ground this year... he has a well and is a plumber by trade. Got the whole thing set up on a drip system, and we have tomatoes coming out our ears! LOVE his cherry tomatoes!

One month until dove season!


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Glad to hear you are still kicking. :D Sounds like you have kept busy - heat or no heat.

It has taken its toll on my garden pretty badly this year. Peas, zukes and onions did well from the mild spring but other plants have been under the strain going into summer. Tomatoes have been producing but not like other years. My beans i am very close to giving up watering and weeding...... they are making pods but they are spongey and have no beans. My corn rows i started just this year (too far from the pond to water easily) are a total loss. Not to mention the farmer accidently over-sprayed onto half my corn and completely killed it. I did have a decent harvest of black berries this year, kids are still picking some of the leftovers. Oh well - good thing i don't have to live off the land or my friends would have to take up the slack for me this year. :blush: Or i'd just be eating lots of raccoon - no shortage of them this year. :P

Was out spliting and hauling some wood myself today as well. Temps have been in the mid 80's this past week and that is a 10+ degree drop from last week and the week before. I know, i know..... i'm complaining about 95 degrees but this is OHIO for cripes sakes.


New member
Aug 16, 2010
Sounds like you are all living in Arizona.That is a place that I do not miss.I thought that it was bad here because when I took my lead pot outside to pour it would look like rain,then have to carry it all back inside,lol.At least you have something to can Redman,that is a good thing !


Apr 24, 2010
Lubbock, Tx
Looks like a cold front coming through tomorrow...102 tues,104 wed,105 today,,down to a nice 101 for tomorrow ;)


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Well here we are at 10:15 P.M. and it is still 88 degrees. Well the peppers are getting to look better and I did end up watering the okra and it is looking a little better but are still not in good shape. The National Hurricane Center is talking about a storm headed into the Gulf but it might be a week or so before we could see any thing from it. Just hope that it is not a bad storm it was about this time of year the Katrina started to develop. We sure don't need any thing like that.

This is the time of year that I start to get us ready for a Tropical Storm/Hurricane. Generator, Gas,Food, Candles, Kerosene,Batteries. First Aid Kit up to snuff. and the list goes on. But something for us that live close to the Gulf to think about.
You people that live up north that have blizzards might start to think about being prepared.



New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
"Well here we are at 10:15 P.M. and it is still 88 degrees."
Sounds like you got some relief at that temp ... Hot & Humid .. keeps me off of the water as well as in the house under the A/C (even out of the shop .. its hot out there) ... We have had some rain but not enough to get the river up ... what has been up is the tide .. for some reason it has been up since that last depression went by .. part from the full moon but it just seems to be holding at a near storm level ... a little SW wind off and on but does not seem to be enough to keep it in this way .. All that canning sounds great.
Gotta go out and check the Generator ... sorry ethenol gas may have messed up the fuel system .. got my fingers crossed .. have stabil but that does not all ways work.


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
We've had showers off and on all week but their hit and miss and not all over, then it gets Hot and Humid - temp is supposed to be 90+ tommorrow. I'd have plenty of cherry tomatoes for the wife to can but the grand daughter likes em!!!!!

The rest of the family is gone camping in NY so they can go to Great Escape (fun park) so I'm home with the dog. Want to pour some jigs but if it gets hot like they say may hold off. Got some more powder painting to do.

Red - always have a big kit like that set up!!! Even with the bit of rain one or our forest ranges had a fire caused by a lighting strike but they got it quick, about 20 acres.