One that didn't get away


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Saint Louis,Mo
Craving some fish tacos so headed out to county park lake looking for some bull gills and grabbed a couple ultralights and my little duck jigs and went to work. Gills were still prespawn but found some deeper than spawning areas. Strung up ten 7.5-9" gills but since it was only 9am kept fishing. Had two bass that looked like 5-6 lbs. trying to eat my gills but I kept pulling them away because I thought they were to big for them. Hooked another gill and tried to keep it from getting eaten when this monster shows up and grabs it. Opened my bail and let it swim away and swallow gill. Gave it plenty of time because I'd had this happen quite a few times and had never got one in, always spit gills eventually. Finally, I set the hook and battle was on. No jumping but several long runs and after five minutes I had her. I was shaking so bad I could hardly take pictures. Bass weighed 10.23lbs. 24.5"long with and a huge 21" girth. I was using 2# Maxima line with a 1/48 duck jig on a tiny #12 sickle hook.IMG_4256.JPGIMG_4263.JPGIMG_4263.JPGIMG_4263.JPG


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Wowza, catch of a lifetime! Or who knows, maybe another someday? Looks like mama ready to nest?

Did the tiny hook actually set? Congrats on developing the mindful skills needed to entice a bite and land such a beast on 2# line. Lucky she didn't snag up.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Saint Louis,Mo
Big girl wanted a big snack before nesting which by the looks of her belly and poop shoot will be soon. Don't know if the hook set or not, only thing I saw when I looked in her mouth was about an inch of tail. Guessing the gill was too big to spit out with all it's spines, bet the gill weighed 1/2 lb. She got to keep the gill and tiny jig and I got a great memory. I did release her to make more bass babies.