Night Jigging - the final frontier


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
If your exploits require a boat, then venturing out in the dark is sketchy, eh? I don't blame you, could run into an unseen hazard or unforseen inclement weather, and getting disabled at night assistance would likely be limited at best.

However, fishing from shore at night might present opportunity above and beyond fair weather daylight, certainly did for me. In fact, nearly all of my water time is in the dark, except when night temps are below freezing or Winter trouting.

Typical example why was last night. Got on the water at a low flow reservoir inlet at 3 am, luckily all alone. By the time daylighters showed up at sunrise the bite was done pretty decent for a heavy pressure spot with 12 smaller iwpers and 3 white bass. I knew 2 of the 3 guys so chatted a bit & watched em for awhile. Only saw 2 dink smallies & a sub standard white bass getting dried out between the 3, the quality fish likely sitting deep and inactive or maybe moved from the spot.

Do I share my catch reports and method? Doing so locally would likely diminish my catches to zero. Bait is effective 24-7 so meathead assaults will have the same effect. Luckily, after they fish out a spot they will leave it alone for awhile and eventually in migration will occur, just gotta hit up the replenished opportunity before they do.

Not sure about all species, but from experience I can say that walleye, bass with stripes, & catfish will bite jigs in the dark. My nearby spots don't offer largemouth, but I/ve been told they feed at night also.

Unlike us humans, I think we are wired to be active daytime and rest at night, so it can be a leap of faith to reverse that. Was for me, but success is motivational.

OK, early to bed so I can hit the road tomorrow at 2 am for another 60 mile drive to the spot of the moment.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
All alone again this AM in the dark 11 wipers + 6 white bass. Yesterday's effective bait was 2-1/2" pearl Slim SwimZ, today's 2"blue ice Baby Shad.

Tip for night newbies, fish intended locations daytime to familiarize with:
1. Best stands for casting and landing fish.
2. Underwater terrain including bottom snags and obstacles fish can use to break off.
3. Current flows and how to use them for optimal bite attraction presentations.
4. The feel of proper casting distances eg: not overcasting onto opposite side shoreline.
5. The feel of proper casting direction.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Now that the meatheads of Summer have abandoned the spots they fished out allowing re-population by migration, decided to target wallys.. Conditions were right, flows were minimal enabling baitfish & predators to congregate without having to deal with excessive current flow and embedded sediment. Wally #s were good at least 10 shorts & 6 keeper size + 3 white bass + a 4# catfish.

All C&R before a few sunbirds showed up at dawn, so another all to myself session in the dark. Same 2 wiper productive baits previously mentioned were effective.

Big moon visually assisted reading current flows and locating outer sand bar edge drop offs.