National Debt Personalized


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio

While the debate rages between the two warring camps about the national debt. Numbers like TRILLION AND BILLION have no meaning to me what so ever. The only time I have seen a check or a bill with more than 4 zeroes to the left of the decimal point. Is an insurance settlement check for loss of a loved one , or when I bought a house or a car

But as I was researching something else. Here is a fact that is really shocking.

Each man , woman and child that is a citizen of the United States now owes

550,000.00 US dollars. While I knew the figure would be high I had no idea it was this high. I don't know about the rest of you but I do not have my share in liquid or any other kind of assets.

For those of you who do not like to count zeros that OVER a 1/2 million apiece.

For this ONE BIG reason I am voting for the individuals that at least have a plan to reduce this. I am not going to vote for anyone that has no intention or plan to combat run amok spending. Regardless of your political bent , affiliations or any thing else. Does anyone thing there is any ADVANTAGE or POSITIVE RESULT that could stem from this figure doubling again ?

In other words next election 4 year cycle this figure of each citizens share of the national debt would be 1.1 million dollars each. The first step to extract oneself from any hole is to stop digging. I hope my fellow citizens this November take our governments shovels off of them.

In my soon to be 65 years of life I have never seen an individual spend their way out of debt. I have never seen a business accomplish this either. It don't take a wiz to see its not going to work for any government either.


Ron Don

Future Sponsor
Mar 24, 2010
West Monroe, LA
Yep! Obamas "spending plan" to create jobs racked up more debt than all presidents combined from Pres Washington all the way to Clinton. However during his term the unemployment rate has almost doubled! He only promises to more of the same the next go around. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Unemployment rates can be viewed on the Bureau of labor statistics website.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Ronny remember that the U6 figure is the true unemployment number. It is around 15% not the cooked up 8.3% figure that is reported by the lame stream media.

Papaperch you are right, plenty of people have to go to bankruptcy court because they thought that they could spend there way to prosperity.The only difference between them and the government so far is a printing press. "Oh my" I pity my Grand children, just hope that they don't despise me to much for what the current president has done to them.



New member
Nov 14, 2011
Lancaster, Pa.
I thought I saw on TV a few months back that every person would owe like $45,000? Maybe I wasn't paying attention.....not good at that anyway lol
I don't get into the "team" bull crap. Reality check for both parties......this started before Obama got in there. IMO, NO BODY going into office the past 4 years was going to help this. Now I think there were ways to keep damage down, and the current POTUS did not do that. Look back through history, and we were over due to have a dip in the economy.

Get used to Obama, he has 4 more years to go. I don't care for that idea, but looks like it is going to happen.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
I'm done with political bantering this year, but gotta x2 BLT so he's not hanging by his lonely.

Really, the whole political process is mostly a game for those who choose to play or spectate. WE have evolved as a nation and society allowing greed, exploitation, and war-mongering to be not only acceptable but admirable. Where we stand is the C & E of not only our evolution as a conglomerate of bodies within arbritrary physical boundaries, but also a function of time back to God's creation.

Myself, the best I can do is to treat others with respect and kindness when allowed the honor. Got carried away with one of the CEO candidates, I apologise.



New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
RM Said ""Oh my" I pity my Grand children"

X2 ... If only people could see thru the smoke, those following us could be helped.


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
I stand corrected the figure that I quoted in original post was in error. The present individual share of the national debt is just over 50, 000. The article I was reading was future forecasting. That was where the the 550 K figure came in. The original conjecture of the article was at the end of Obama's second term if re-elected. They predicted the individual share would rise to slightly higher than 10 times what it is right now. The really bad news is that our creditors would not allow this figure to occur. They also had several predictions on the results of that action. None of those sounded very good to me.

The original article was trying to reveal just how bad the re-election of President Obama would affect our nation as a whole and our economy in particular. But still the 50 ,000 is a bad figure itself. When Clinton left office our budget was balanced During Clintons second term we had a Republican House and a Republican Senate that worked with a Democratic President to achieve this. Clintons last day in office was not all that long ago.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
People do not have long memories ..... Bush was controlled by a Demo House & Senate his last term .. They could do anything and blame it on the Reb ... But I am not saying that he could have not stopped some of it.
Freddie & Fannie were started many years ago (by Demos) and Congress would not let anything be done to them while Bush was in office ... they knew what was going to happen ... they did not want the Reb to get credit for correcting it so they could milk it for all that it was worth.
Do they (as a whole dont get me wrong there is one or two decent poloticins :) )
care what happens out of their little world ??? If they did we would not have this big Debt ... it is a monster and what we have in office today ran it up more than all the rest put together ....
Off Of Soap Box