Last fall i was approached by the landowner who owns a 2 acre piece of the farm field that butts my property to the South.... said that he was planning to sell it off. Not in one piece - or two - but split into THREE LOTS!!!! Long story short, i went to the bank the next day! Managed to get an equity loan (there goes my hopes of a garage) and i bought the whole 2 acres.... i currently don't have (or want) ANY neighbors. Here is looking from the back corner of my new property... the line runs from the stake to behind my house and towards the right out to the road.
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Ordered a few bare-root trees from my local Soil & Water Conservation district to make a wind break and screen in case he decides to sell off more land. They came in today!!!
Have it all planned out where they are going to go.... looks like it will be a long (painful) weekend. Weather should be fun as well - highs in the 50's and rain most of the weekend. :-/ Took half the day off and managed to get 15 in before supper, kids bath time and homework and all that....... only 120 more to plant!!! :beat-up: :sleepy:
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View attachment 9
Ordered a few bare-root trees from my local Soil & Water Conservation district to make a wind break and screen in case he decides to sell off more land. They came in today!!!
Have it all planned out where they are going to go.... looks like it will be a long (painful) weekend. Weather should be fun as well - highs in the 50's and rain most of the weekend. :-/ Took half the day off and managed to get 15 in before supper, kids bath time and homework and all that....... only 120 more to plant!!! :beat-up: :sleepy:
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