As long as our country is evenly split into following 2 political party's nearly opposite agendas, there can be little progress. So, howsabout both sides unite on one issue?
Ground zero of our economic meltdown was the collapse of Wall St. big banks due to their FRAUDULENT peddling of derivatives they knew were worthless. President Obama promised to hold Wall St. accountable but instead enriched them with a massive "bailout" and to this day no perps in the responsible banks have been prosecuted.
Does that make you angry, especially since Obama LIED? Throwing some of these CROOKS in jail is perhaps the best deterrant to curtail further white collar crime, corporate bribery of gov officials, and another economic collapse. Most of our legislators of course are recipients of Wall St. contributions, but there are a handful that ain't scared of the big boys with fat wallets. Watch for them, even if they're not in your chosen party.
Anyone who cares enuf to truly understand the root CAUSE of our stagnant economy could peruse this informative non-partisan article. Its necessarily long due to the complex intertwined relationships between business sectors and government.
Ground zero of our economic meltdown was the collapse of Wall St. big banks due to their FRAUDULENT peddling of derivatives they knew were worthless. President Obama promised to hold Wall St. accountable but instead enriched them with a massive "bailout" and to this day no perps in the responsible banks have been prosecuted.
Does that make you angry, especially since Obama LIED? Throwing some of these CROOKS in jail is perhaps the best deterrant to curtail further white collar crime, corporate bribery of gov officials, and another economic collapse. Most of our legislators of course are recipients of Wall St. contributions, but there are a handful that ain't scared of the big boys with fat wallets. Watch for them, even if they're not in your chosen party.
Anyone who cares enuf to truly understand the root CAUSE of our stagnant economy could peruse this informative non-partisan article. Its necessarily long due to the complex intertwined relationships between business sectors and government.