My Last Political Post


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
As long as our country is evenly split into following 2 political party's nearly opposite agendas, there can be little progress. So, howsabout both sides unite on one issue?

Ground zero of our economic meltdown was the collapse of Wall St. big banks due to their FRAUDULENT peddling of derivatives they knew were worthless. President Obama promised to hold Wall St. accountable but instead enriched them with a massive "bailout" and to this day no perps in the responsible banks have been prosecuted.

Does that make you angry, especially since Obama LIED? Throwing some of these CROOKS in jail is perhaps the best deterrant to curtail further white collar crime, corporate bribery of gov officials, and another economic collapse. Most of our legislators of course are recipients of Wall St. contributions, but there are a handful that ain't scared of the big boys with fat wallets. Watch for them, even if they're not in your chosen party.

Anyone who cares enuf to truly understand the root CAUSE of our stagnant economy could peruse this informative non-partisan article. Its necessarily long due to the complex intertwined relationships between business sectors and government.–08

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
Couldn't agree with you more Hawn. I'm also a tad up set with um continually raising the debt ceiling, instead paying our debts. But as for having a chosen party, I wish I could say I had one, but the sad truth is, I really don't trust either...


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Neither do I, but while corporate welfare in some of its forms appears to be conservatively costing taxpayers over $200 BILLION annually,, one of the parties is proposing massive ADDITIONAL cuts in food stamps.

Every Sunday, I take 92 yr old Mrs. Kukino shopping. Tuff old bird, she raised 3 sons on her own after her husband died at age 32. Since the area doesn't offer the best employment opportunity, her sons are all living accross the sea, one on Oahu and two on the mainland. She buys mostly bare necessities like milk, cereal, eggs, ivory soap etc. on sale and bargain produce from our farmer's market. This past week she mentioned that due to increased medicare admin fees her monthly Social Security sole income dropped from $630 something into the $500s. Luckily, food stamp cuts won't affect her because she is too proud to participate.


Mar 23, 2010
So Cal I.E.
Too bad you can't get Mrs. Kukino to participate. My grams was the same way and my mom (83) is too. Luckily we are a large family that take of our own.



Apr 26, 2013
SW Ohio
An old friend of my mothers is in the same situation. Too proud in her mid 90's now and has a son who is on disability and goes for dialysis 2x weekly no other family. I did not have any idea how bad things were but a few years ago she caught me after church and asked if I could fix a leaking faucet and toilet.

To my dismay, the bathroom was a disaster floor rotted thru, commode was cracked and yes it leaked, she would shut her water off at the main until she needed it.

I knew she did not have much money - more later. Being a friend of my mothers made me decide to swallow the repairs and make it all right. Got a buddy who I had to pay and we gutted the bathroom and replaced everything including the tub which I replaced with a shower only for safety reasons. We replaced 5 floor joists, all plaster, new sub floor (moisture rated) new faucets. promo commode, vanity and sink which I had in the barn from a remodeling project. The shower pan cost me $80 the faucets were 25 each at a clearance center. the 2x12's cost $145 sub floor, concrete board and blue board were another $130 everything else I had left over from other projects. New seals valves and seat for commode were another $35 my friends labor was $90. So I was eating 400 out of pocket. We finished the project other than letting the grout cure in 1 day.

We she asked how much I told her that all the materials were left over from different projects and some were recycled but all were clean and in good repair. So all I needed was an apple pie. She told me she got her check the following week and was currently out of flour but would have flour and my pie on the following Wednesday. I was somewhat shocked and rapidly agreed just so I could leave. I dont like deceiving people but felt justified in this case.

When I went to get my pie, I took a couple boxes of garden overflow just being neighborly. I knocked on her door. She grabbed me by the ear and drug me inside to chair where she proceeded to read me the riot act. She found the receipt from the lumber yard in a trash can and proceeded to tell me that she was paying and never lie to her again. She then told me that after her normal expenses she had $10 left over each month and would be paying me $5 a month until the $275 bill was paid. I apologized all the while praying that she lived to pay me off. I presented her with the garden overflow and told her it would be going to waste if she did not take it. That was OK and really was the truth.

Several days later out priest called me and asked if the Church could help out with her bill. He knew there was no way that bathroom was fixed for $275. I told him to keep his mouth shut and although the offer was appreciated, I was fine with the things were. He said "you are just as stubborn as she is". I told him no, she was a friend of my mothers that I had known for years and if I could help, I was honored to do so. But if he wanted to do something good, check in on all the elderly from his parish and find out who needed what done and get the youth group involved along with some of the handymen in the church to help these folks out. End result is another story but has had tremendous rewards.

Many of the elderly suffer in silence and rarely does anyone know how bad things are for them. Most are proud and struggling to survive another day, but it is rare to ever hear them complain. Open your eyes and during this holiday season, see if you can do something good for someone you know and suspect it trying to survive. Money is not the answer, friendship, sweat and sometimes a simple gift are often a godsend to these people. Shoveling a sidewalk, cleaning a gutter, fixing a light switch/wall outlet, a faucet washer are simple, inexpensive things that many cannot or are unable to do and cannot afford to have done. They live with the knowledge and IMO a feeling of embarrassment that the are powerless to do anything about it.

Think I'm gonna run to the dollar store get 10 pair of gloves and 10 scarfs and go knock on some doors.

Happy holidays!



Active member
Jun 28, 2010
Kdog' you the man . Pay it forward and it will come back to you when you least expect it .