Meanwhile, on Wall Street...


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
While the media cherry picks important news like presidential debate drama, Planned Parenthood, immigrants, Muslims, Jade Helm, etc., most of us may not be aware of:

"[font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Since 2009, Wall Street has paid [/font][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]$204,000,000,000 in fines and settlements. [size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]They violated laws by the facilitation of money laundering for drug cartels and rogue nations, illegally evicting homeowners, selling fraudulent mortgages and mortgage backed securities, manipulating vital interest rates, insider trading, and facilitating off-shore tax evasion. N[size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]ot one of Wall Street's top banking executives has gone to jail or even paid a fine - $204 billion have been paid by the companies, not by the top executives."[/font][/font][/size][/font][/size]

[font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]"[size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Payday lending, the legalized form of loan sharking, is a mainstream Wall Street activity. An estimated 120 million payday loans are issued annually worth a total value of $42,000,000,000. [size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]The average effective interest rate on a payday loan is 455% (APR)."[/font][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size]

[font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]"[size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Perhaps the most pernicious Wall Street activity involves corporate raids and stock buy-backs. Hedge Funds, private equity firms and investment banks have bought up tens of thousands of corporations, loading them up with debt and then milking them dry. [size=medium][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]These Wall Street predators pressure corporation after corporation to use their revenues to buy back their own shares, thereby raising the share price, enriching CEOs and the largest Wall Street investors. [/font][font=NotoNashkArabic, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Before 1982 this was considered stock manipulation and deemed both illegal and dangerous to the financial system. However, a SEC rule change under the Reagan Administration, basically legalized unlimited stock buy-backs."[/font][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size]


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
Just watched that show Madoff and in there they show him grumbling about how what he was doing was no different than what wall street does every day. Sort of makes you wonder. 
Every once in a while they push a bunch of marketing strategies on us for marketing our wheat. Most of them involve Hedging or buying put's and call's. I've never done it but some have and when I ask them how they made out you don't get an answer just a grumble. Twice the work/risk for the same/half pay. No thank you! I don't fully understand how it all works so I just stay away from it, but when it first started you did most of it yourself. Now there's people to "help" you and take care of everything (for a fee) and that tells me there's money to be made,,,, and not by the person investing.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Go read Stress Test & see how the gov't bailing out those wall street guys & their fines.



Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Yup, the big banks got 7x the amount of fines paid from the Bush-Obama bailouts, and I don't want to know the other hidden perks.

There is one presidential candidate whose platform includes prosecuting financial fraudsters, and only massive public support will help him get past the bribed out legislators obstruction. Do you care enuf to to get involved?


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
You didn't name him but I am guessing you are referring to Bernie. An avowed socialist. That form of government which has never succeeded any where else in the world . But people here and other places still insist that it will but has to be run by the "right" people ?

Capitalism has created more wealth and the strongest middle class the world has ever seen. If socialism is so great why aren't we doing better right now ? we have been run by a socialist for the last 7 years with virtually no opposition. The Republicans give opposition lip service but that's it. They keep funding everyone of his programs. Even the one that are unconstitutional by his own admission. That is why" Outsiders" like Trump et al are seeing such wide spread support.

The population the last two elections have given the republicans the majority in the house and senate. Why ? Because they want the madness to stop.If they loved President Obama's programs they would have elected more democrats. The greatest wealth concentration in this country right now is radiused around Washington D. C.. Where growing government intrusion and control of our every day lives of those who live outside the beltway. People in that district wonder why the rest of the country is so upset. Just like the media that trumpeted the unemployment rate falling below 5 %. They are completely ignoring the 90 million Americans sitting on the economical sidelines. Once your unemployment benefits are exhausted you fall off the list. It is a totally meaningless number anymore.

All these store closings are not signs of a prospering economy. Just the opposite. Yet last night I watched the two democratic candidates praise the Cuban health care system.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Papaperch right on brother. Funny but the director Michael Moore got pneumonia and instead of going to Cuba where he says has the best medical care in the world is, He checks himself into Cedar Sinai Hospital. Funny that he should check into a second rate outfit. Utopia on earth is a dream of the socialist/ progressives. It will never happen here. I have enough faith that on the other side of life I might behold it.

By the way if the economy is in such good shape and the unemployment number so low, Why are there more people on food Stamps?? Simple truth the economy is in deep trouble. The stock market is a rigged game. There is more oil than ever before and yet the price keeps going up and gas prices keep going down. Soon they will have to start storing oil in swimming pools the tanks at Cushing, Oklahoma are full. Tankers are lined up off the coast of Texas and Louisiana to off load and can't because of no storage. The way I see it it's the tail wagging the dog not the dog wagging the tail. Believe me this is not going to end well.


Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
Yea, and the rest of the world isn't much better. Could you imagine living with a minus interest rate? Good to see you RM hope you and yours are well....


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
Some people here were going to Canada for their Lasix surgery because it was cheap. One fellow's operation didn't pan out so well and it was pretty much "too bad" we tried. So he's pretty much SOL because of being out of country. Wasn't such a good deal after all.  I'd almost be willing to bet that the tree huggers/progessives are going to use the overabundance of oil to their advantage. Their going to claim that it was their policies for using less energy and electric cars that caused this glut of oil and now we have the ability to use less oil so we don't need it. Well, I haven't found or seen a 300 hp electric Tractor that'll run for 10 hrs straight so I'll just have to use and enjoy paying for that cheap diesel this year. Haven't seen off road fuel under $2 for a lonnngggg time.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
What actual function do Wall St investment banks & stock market perform for working folks? Always believed that $ proudly earned by providing QUALITY service or product was sufficient life accomplishment. Personal gains ignoring or even causing the misfortune of others seems WRONG.

Notice how a discussion of financial crookery seems to divert from the actual perps to media villains? Maybe its time to start fixing the system from the bottom up, the source of bribery? Who's pulling the President's and lawmaker's strings? Who's blowing smoke and who's hiding?

Hint: where did the trillion & a half $ of the bailouts WE funded go? To treehuggers? Michael Moore? Socialists? Progressives?


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Hawn The bail outs and QE were a money laundering for one of our political parties. Pay back to unions for their support. You got to remember in this day and age. Everything is for sale even our moral and economic principles. To big to fail has now become to big to jail if one has enough money and influence. Just think traitors to the United States can now become president of it. Ain't it grand just what our founding fathers would have NOT wanted and wouldn't have stood for.



Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Redman, with respect, I have questions:
1. Since both parties administrations approved bail outs, how is one considered money laundering and not the other?
2. How did big banks and insurance beneficiaries bailout money get to unions?
3. What traitorous actions is our president guilty of and with opposition party majorities in House, Senate, & Supreme Court why was there no prosecution?

As a non-partisan independent, I have indeed observed "everything is for sale", particulary news media spewing lies, distortions, exaggerations, and unfounded allegations. Apparently it's patriotic to believe our President is gay, his wife a tranny, born in Kenya and falsified his birth certificate, soft on terror, killing jobs, destroying our economy, the antichrist who wants to rule the world, the worst president in history... because a Fox News patriot said so.

Here's some apparently ignored data :

Previous administration:
Major terrorist attack - 1
Foreign countries invaded - 2
Economic collapse - 1
Private sector jobs - loss 463,000
Public sector jobs - gain 1.7 million

Current administration:
Major terrorist attack - 0
Foreign countries invaded - 0
Economic collapse - 0
Private sector jobs - gain 7.7 million after 28 months of second term
Public sector jobs - loss 638,000 same time period


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Neville Chamberlain for President . He kept Britain out of WWII by negotiating with Adolf Hitler. Good thing that war mongering Winston Churchill didn't get in office. Keith since you are rewriting the last seven years. Figured I would go a little further back and try and demonstrate how you argument sounds to me.

We have not been in any kind of economic recovery. Just the opposite is true. Right now there are more Americans out of work than there were during the Great Depression. Want to know the REAL reason oil is way down. Because our economic malaise is starting to affect the whole world. The demand is just not there. There are now more Americans on food stamps and living in poverty than ever before in our history.

President Obama just does not like this country. His apology tours have done much to demonstrate that. You pick and choose what you want to hear and believe. Why do you think Donald Trump is getting such an ardent following ? The vast majority of US citizens are so sick of what has been transpiring for the last 7 years. President Obama truly believes Americas best days are behind her. Russia and China not to mention Middle Easterners neither fear or respect our President. They push and push and he talks. Talk to some vets who have recently returned. About the incredible and downright stupid rules of engagement.

I am no fan of wall street myself but Hillary Clinton is. Why do you think she won't release the copies of her speeches at Goldman Sachs ? 650,000 dollars for a speech come on Keith no one says Hillary is a motivating speaker. Bernie knows it was just a way to buy favor if she went on to become President. She will never release those tapes because they will expose her for the fraud she is. Bernie knows this also.

If leftism is so great and wonderful and such a common mans paradise. Explain which way the people were running to Florida or Cuba. To East Germany or West Germany ? North Korea or South Korea ? Three great examples of government running everything and supposedly cradle to grave care.

If you want to see what a REAL economical recovery looked like. Start looking up the stats as Ronald Reagan's third year in office.

I remember another discussion on this board about Obama care or, The affordable care act. If anyone still believes that is a success. I got some Bernie Madoff stock to sell ya. Talked to a LEGAL immigrant self employed store owner just yesterday. His bronze plan would cost him over 12,000 a year. For a plan that still leaves huge portions of debt when the insurance is needed. He came to this country to escape this kind of crap. He could tell you just how wonderful living in a socialist country is ? He doesn't have to read in the newspapers about it or the internet. He has lived it.

Bernie Sanders is at least honest. Though his solutions are going to be even worse. I can't help but smile when I see these people applauding a 90% tax rate. They think he is only talking about the rich. What they don't know is he means everyone will be paying that rate. It has been proved they could take EVERYTHING the rich people own. The government would be able to run about a month. Where they going to come for the other 11 months ?

No matter what you or I say Keith. I think this election is going to determine a lot for this country . If we continue down the road paved by President Obama or a return to our traditional values. When patriotism and hard work love of God and country were admired and not derided. Before 1/2 of the country think they are entitled to what the other 1/2 made.


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
Thank You Papaperch. You said that better than I could. I also think that many people have forgotten about the first attack on the trade center while Klinton was in office and did pretty much nothing to the suspects and their accomplices. More or less gave them a free ride to try it again.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Papa, indeed, presidential campaigns just get more exciting, eh? Look at us old geezers getting involved. I agree this one appears critical to OUR country's future, and IMO a major issue remains eliminating Wall St. influence on our lawmakers, jailing those guilty of breaking laws, and preventing another economic collapse cause by bankers' malfeasance. At present only Mr. Sanders has platformed this. Ms. Clinton's talkaround is disgustingly pathetic, and altho Mr. Trump remains my Republican choice as a political outsider POTUS candidate his financial connections may preclude any involvement.

I understand that most of us are diverted by the relentless Obama or Hillary bash fest, which is why my original topic has swung. So called "liberals" may not be the blind sheeple Fox News has conditioned us to despise. Here's a disappointed supporter:
"We gave Obama both sides of Congress. He proceeded to fill his administration with Clinton’s old team and industry insiders. He refused to investigate the banksters who took down our economy and stole our homes. He permanently installed the insurance thieves between us and our healthcare, so we have to pay them 30% off the top. Now he’s shoving the TPP down our throats, the worst policy we’ve seen in our lifetimes."

Papa, it is with deep regret that over the years I have observed you posting "corporations are people" and other catch phrases designed by those attempting to buy, then dismantlle our government. Even more regretful is that they are succeeding with the help of patriotic Americans like yourself.


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
I remember when " liberals " changed their name to progressives. What progressive stands for is progressive change to socialism. Nazi's , communists and yes socialists. Always need " enemies " to blind the common man to the actual truth. With the Nazi's it was international jewery , communists it was the aristocracy and land owners. I could go on and on but you get the point.

Here wall street and corporations are being labeled as the enemy. Just as you go fishing to where you hope the most fish are. Thieves go where the most money is. No one I repeat no one ever got rich stealing from the poor. How can you steal ? What is not there. Just look at Bernie Madoff's victim list.

The burst of the housing bubble was brought on by banks being forced to lend money to individuals. That had not a prayer of ever paying it back. I know this because when a relative of mine got a loan for a house I could not afford. Yet my credit rating is as good as it gets. His was as bad as it gets. My modest yearly income was triple his. Few years later he loses house. This story was repeated over and over again in the millions. Fannie May was a Government program not a banking industry program.

Ask yourself " would you want title to a bunch of assets. That are falling like a rock in value. " That is what triggers sell offs and panic on wall street. No sensible individual or industry wants to gain control of something that is losing value.

Corporations are people. People that sit on boards and make decisions that effect every person employed by that corporation. It is not a catch phrase it s just what it is.But the progressives need you to see them as the enemy. Meanwhile said progressives accept millions in campaign funds from corporations.

I don't get my views from Fox , CBS , MSNBC. I get them from studying the Constitution and our Founding Fathers. What made sense to them makes sense to me. When a Christian strays from the tenets of the bible. They end up worse off. When our country strays from the Constitution. It ends up worse off. The reason Obama gets bashed so much. He violates the Constitution as a normal habit. Hillary has stated she doesn't remember ever lying in her life. REALLY

In summation the ONE thing that would return us on the road to recovery. Immediate adoption of a flat tax for income. That would eliminate all the influence peddling in Washington. It would level the playing field for all individuals and businesses. Owning a government rep would be worthless as they would not be able to assist in any way. Our tax laws are so bloated , biased and just plain overly complicated. That way government gets to pick the winners and losers. I just wish the American electorate would demand this and only support candidates that will promote and vote for it. It won't be easy. Rare is the person that runs for office for public service. Most run to line their own pockets and POWER.

Billions are spent every year just to ensure that citizens , businesses are complying with the tax code. One of the big reasons businesses leave our shores and take their jobs with them. Survival not greed is what the motivation is. The reason the flat tax will never be adopted. Is because the electorate is out fighting the manufactured " enemies " . Every election cycle income tax reform is cussed and discussed. Yet nothing is ever done. Truth is most politicians care not a fig what you want and believe. All they want from you is your vote. I am not talking a cut here and there or a raise in taxes here or there. I am talking about complete trashing our present tax code. Replacing it with one you can fill out your return on a postcard. Without the assistance of H&R and all those software programs.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Papa, thank you for participating in this discussion, even tho you paid scant attention to the original subject. I now understand that political opinions are not worth discussing as most who care to be involved tend to swing strongly partisan and core foundations are contradictory.

I would like to mention tho that the Progressive movement is independent of mainstream liberal, like the Tea Party does not speak for all conservatives.

Thought maybe posting facts and data might dispel illusionary talking points, but was wrong. For example, these stats won't make a dang bit of difference to supporters or hecklers.
Percentage of True - False statements in order of most truthful for current top POTUS candidates from :
Clinton 72 - 27
Sanders 69 - 32
Rubio 58 - 42
Cruz 33 - 66
Trump 23 - 77
% are rounded off to nearest whole # so may not total 100%


Active member
Jun 28, 2010
OOOOOWH Now I have a headache . I'm to far behind to catch up on all that . Calgone take me away . X2 Excedrine .