All-righty - have to make a slight adjustment! :blush: I baked the powder at 250° / 25 mins. for the first set of these jigs that i took a picture of....................... and that time/temp leaves the clear outer finish brittle!!! Drop test seemed to come out good but i tied a few today and used a razor to trim up against the head and had some crack lines show.

The blunt 'drop test' left them wih just a dent and very little flaking but a sharp object cracked them. :dodgy:
After reading some of the recent posts on here about how to paint Lead Free bismuth heads i put them back in the oven and took a closer watch on them as the cooked........
315° for 20 mins. They came out VERY SOLID and not chipping at all this time and up to my satisfaction. Not sure why they would chip under a knife blade but not to a drop test....... either way i will try both tests from now on.
315° for 20 mins
315° for 20 mins