Not a particularly well researched story, and it cites American Thinker as if it were a credible source (which it is not.) Seriously, if you search for "lead ammo ban" on Google, you'll find ONE state has banned lead bullets by 2019, and only in hunting ammo. I don't think it's that big of a deal, since lead shot has been banned for over two decades. The only sources that indicate it goes any further than that are right-wing sites prone to hysterical fearmongering.
I also don't like how the article misrepresents Doe Run as "the last bullet-producing lead smelter" and the victim of EPA over-regulation. None of the major ammo manufacturers bought lead from the Doe Run smelter that closed. It only produced soft lead from ore deposits, which is of little interest to ammo manufacturers. Ammo makers prefer harder lead, and soft lead is more expensive anyway. Doe Run is the type of company environmental regulations were created to protect against. The kind you really don't want to have free reign because they'll happily dump toxic waste into the air and drinking water to save a buck if they could get away with it. They run a smelter and company town in Peru where the conditions are absolutely awful and 99% of the children suffer from lead poisoning. The company said it was "too expensive" to upgrade the plant to reduce the toxic emissions, yet it sent over $100 million back to their holding company so billionaire president Ira Rennert could build himself a $100+ million mansion in the Hamptons instead of improving the plant so it would stop poisoning the residents and their children. They really are scumbags.