I hit up two Doc's at work.... one wouldn't write my a script. (He's paranoid) but the other came through!!! Tylox! I can't wait to take one... I'm sure it will knock me on my butt.
Brother I feel for ya!!!!! I went through 9 bouts of them in a 6 week period back in 03. The First one they blasted, the next 8 they went in with basket extraction!!!!! Yeah you get knocked out cold, but man after you wake up and use the bathroom the first time, well I'll leave that to your imagination!!!!!!
JJ...my other have get kidney stones. Not a fun day in the park. Most of the time kidney stones are inherited. Don't eat jello, don't drink soda, don't eat okra and a few other things, I'll have to find the list of "NO NO" stuff. Drink plenty of juice with citric acid, of course water, decfe coffee (if you have to have coffee), decafe tea..........Take you pain meds and sit and relax as much as possible, I know easier said then done. Take care!
I still haven't passed it as of yet. They want me to have lithotripsy. I said NO! Like all things... it to shall pass! LOL!
I've been fishing... even with the pain. The walk up and down the creeks seem to help. I just can't sit still. I've got to keep moving. But thank your for the well wishes. 90% of the pain is gone. It just feels like I contanstly have to pee. The Doc blames it on my HUGE coffee habit. He asked me; "Dave, honestly, now... when is the last time you had a drink of water?" I said, "Hmmm.... lemme think" He stopped me right there. "If you gotta think when the last time you had a glass of water... YOUR IN TROUBLE. How much coffee do you drink?" I said, "Hmmm.... lemme think... about 18 cups a day!"