Katrina Response Blame


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Hey, I know most JCers are politically conservative, so this is NOT a dig from a Dem which I am NOT, being a conservative non-Republican. Just thought it was funny. Grain of salt please...

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New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Keith Like the funny but as you may or may not know I live 3/4 of a mile from the Texas/Louisiana boarder. I feel that I must explain part of the problem with the State of Louisiana. The wife owns property and her family has a business in Louisiana. Heck I worked in Louisiana for 4 years. That state has it's problems. Read about the KIngfish The Honorable Hughey P. Long Sr. Senator La.(D) and you will see where it all came from. The Democratic party is now non excistant in the state since the exodus of people from New Orleans. Most of the Democrats turned Republican and Gov. Bobby Jindal has had to run roughshod over the state to get things done.

Second the schools are in bad shape. If you want your child to get a good education you have to send them to a private school. All my nieces and nephews attended private school. All but the youngest have college educations. These problems are mostly caused because of Under funding, Teacher Unions, and the biggest is Parents not supporting the schools and teachers,and not caring if there kid gets a education or not. Sad very Sad.

I graduated from High School 45 years ago. I was a C average man there. But I know that I dang sure could pass any public school test that was put before me from Louisiana today. Some of these kids that I have encountered don't have enough common sense to pound sand down a rat hole and Have a problem adding 3 digit numbers and reading. They have had to dumb down the schools just to make sure that they meet Federal guild lines.

As far as your funny some of it is a slap in the face of the current president. You sure don't know the Cajuns from south Louisiana. Me I think it is cute.



New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Yup LP they think that they know us ignorant swampers. When It all goes down and they can't get to the Wal-Mart to get their Twinkies it is then that they find out what we are really all about. Most of the folks around the Louisiana and Eastern Texas are more like Junior and Willie Edwards from Swamp People than Shelby the swamp man. I for one am tired of the people of this region of the country being made out to be a bunch of buffoons. We are crafty as a den of foxes, as industrious as a hive of bees, and Deadlier that a copperhead. They won't know this until they come up against us. Guess that they will find out the hard way.



Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
My guess is it was meant purely as a joke - most likely was never any actual poll taken. Add up the percentage numbers, haha. .....and it has a democraticunderground.com mark at the bottom. Political humor is not always meant just to make you laugh. ;)

My thought is that it is not a dig at the state of Louisiana but more to the point that the majority of people just don't pay attention and are just happy to flee back behind their barrier if they don't know the actual answer. 44% unsure is the funniest part!


Apr 24, 2010
Lubbock, Tx
I think you are correct Russ... :dodgy:
Other FACTS from the well thought out survey..

Here are 10 more of the most interesting highlights of the survey.

Among Louisiana Republicans:

29% say they personally know someone Obama turned gay

33% say the biggest threat to democracy is too many black people voting

45% believe Obama used performance enhancing drugs in recording his seven Tour de France wins

48% believe Obama shot the fictional character J.R. Ewing in a 1980 episode of ‘Dallas’

53% blame Obama for the 1986 Iran-Contra scandal

56% say Obama should never have invaded Iraq in the first place

64% blame Obama for Boston Red Sox’s epic late-season collapse in September, 2011

77% say they have used the phrase “because Obama” at the end of a sentence in an effort to justify why they no longer support a job or healthcare or infrastucture-related policy they once endorsed

85% believe Obama doctored Ted Cruz’s birth certificate to make it appear that his real name is Rafael and that he was born in Canada

97% blame Obama for the decision to cast Ben Affleck as Batman in the ‘Man of Steel’ sequel


Remember Figures dont lie,but .......................


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
I'll probably never make it to LA or the other 45 states I haven't been. But like some of us older guys, I love to read, and one of my faves is James Lee Burke & his Dave Robicheaux novels locationed in the special insular culture of Southern LA. Every character is tuff as nails, so Redman, only ignorant outsiders consider you buffoons. In fact, a local aquaintance who spent some of his wild youth as a drill rig ruffneck mentioned the hazard of "slipped & fell" into the water at night - wrapped in chains. For wandering into the wrong colored neighborhood.

Geez with so much journalistic leeway what's a fella to believe?


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Politics....... how i do hate politics. But just remember all, this is a free country and we can choose to read, write and POST what we feel is sad, appalling, miraculous or humorous. We also have international members as well that really don't care about American politics - nor do i - so i ignore it. I personally make my decision in the voting booth. ;)

I suggest that if you disagree with a point of view........ i applaud you greatly!!!!!! Many have fought and paid the ultimate price to have that right given to us. They applaud you as well, correct? Should i go against what they fought for and not allow a fellow outdoor sportsmen with a different political view VOICE his/her opinion? I do not have the time or WANT to censor anyones opinion just because it is not in line with my personal political views. If that was the case, i would ban everyone but about 6% members that agree strictly with my point of view. Sorry about your luck 95%. By the way, THAT is a joke and adds up to 101% just like the first post of this thread.

I am hoping that we, as adults, can understand that we have differing opinions no matter if i censor things or not. We are all miles apart, talking through a computer screen...... it is entertainment. This website was started because many of us were censored about our opinion on another site and not allowed to mention certain subjects. I refuse to do that here. If you wish to have a 'candy coated' version of America given to you...... i can not stop you from going back to that site. My ONLY rule is that we all be mindful of each other and let this site be a place where anyone can learn how to tie and create fishing lures.

I am VERY willing to listen to others....... i have heard from one member so far that does not agree with me allowing ANY political talk on this site. If others wish for me to censor political posts, please PM me with your views. I WILL listen to EVERYONE. I am open minded and will take it all in and make my decision after i hear from others. Please do not have a single voice speak for you because statistical polls are not always 101% correct.

Hawnjigs stated to take this with a grain of salt and that it was just funny - period. It could have been about a any other state and still would have been just a joke about how people don't pay attention and just use their political affiliation as a shield.

Ron Don

Future Sponsor
Mar 24, 2010
West Monroe, LA
Only reason I even looked at this thread is because someone asked me about it. I quit reading any threads made by Hawnjigs a year ago since the vast majority of them are politically motivated. I like coming to this site to relax, unwind, and most importantly talk fishing! Ya know just escape from the normal day to day BS. That being said the poll is humorous and shouldnt be offended by it.

BUT to me the most humorous part IMO is Hawns self proclamation of being a conservative! But what do I know Im just a "good ole boy" still eating those toxic BP oil spill fish!:)


New member
May 26, 2013
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
politics + internet + somewhat anonymity= nothing good. im a bartender on the side and there are things that I dont talk about with patrons. first is religion, second is politics. that way we all leave as friends. I have regulars for the past 10 years that I dont know those 2 things about and thats the way I like to have it. just 2 cents.


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Actually friends SHOULD be able to discuss anything and still remain friends. I am conservative as one can get my daughter is as liberal as one can get. She is still my daughter and I love her with no reserve clause. I just hope she get a little smarter before I pass on. LOL.

As liberal as she is she gave a speech that was pro-gun. Her professor for this class was an uber liberal. Yet she was objective enough to grade my daughters speech with as high a grade as possible. The professor even wrote upon the grade sheet " While I hardly agree with the position on this subject you covered in your speech. It was supported by concise and clear logic. The analogies used have forced me to at least consider the other sides argument. "

I have disagreed with Hawnjigs several times on past postings but feel no animosity toward him what so ever. I spent four years in the armed services to enable every American the right to ALL the freedoms . I see the humor in the original post.

I think the biggest problem with politics is people NOT discussing them. The right and left side of the political aisle have taken our disinterest in things political to where our country is today. They would like us to remain that way so that the new aristocrats that reside in Washington enjoy benefits that the rest of us dream about. Our founding fathers were more than willing to discuss politics and they designed the constitution to ensure it.

Now as far as people of the swamp and in most particular the Cajuns. Our outfit in the Nam was heavily populated by guys from this region. If I remember right about 7 of the 25 man team was Cajuns. Most of those were the ones who had worked on the off shore oil rigs. They were all as rough as corn cobs and I was glad we were on the same side. I feel sorry for anybody that wants to sell these people short on anything.

I would hope that ALL apolitical people in this country start taking a closer look at what lack of political interest is resulting in. A wise sage once stated that people normally get the government that they deserve. Adolf Hitler once stated that IF you tell a lie often it will eventually be accepted as the truth. It is your responsibility to be informed enough to be able to see the difference.

The only censorship I readily accept is keeping with a family oriented site. I see no use for profanity and vulgar language. In fact when used it often reveals a lack of a real vocabulary. I was on several sports sites that permitted attacks profane and otherwise on its users. It got to the point where I no longer felt comfortable using those sites.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
After 60 something years of being clueless about who was running our govs and how, you know, too bizzy to get involved, better things to do, live & let live etc. was perfectly content with blissful ignorance. No newspapers or TV stations to pop my bubble. But somehow, my armor of indifference got chinked as background info on one of the last pres election candidates went public, mostly on our local Craigslist R&R. That triggered a continuing interest in the abuse of money and power in our country.

Hey RD, thanks for being straight up about crossing forum propriety boundaries. I'm sure others are of the same opinion, and I can only profess ignorance about political discussion manners having had no experience until recently.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Since both sides appear to be spinning lies with impunity, maybe labeling oneself as "Conservative" or "Liberal" limits ones ability to seek actual truth. I think we all on the forum have a similar foundation - we will protect our loved ones with our lives and detest liars, thieves, and bullies. "C" & "L" labels are maybe just a divide and conquer tactic by those pulling the strings.