For some reason I offered to help with the Jig Swap board and my offer was accepted so I am now an additional moderator of the Jig Swap board. Personally I get excited about jig swaps and cannot wait for the next one. I get a lot of great ideas from each batch of jigs.
Keeping that in mind, I have a number of questions bouncing around in my head and eventually want to do a poll to see what we can do to make the swaps fun and improve participation.
Right now, I am asking for input/ideas of what you the participants would like to see to accomplish the following:
* More participation
* Time duration of swaps
- Sign up period?
- Ship Date in relation to close of sign up?
- Time Between Swaps?
Please a few minutes and let me know what you would like to see. After receiving input, I will do a poll to try to lock things in place.
Keeping that in mind, I have a number of questions bouncing around in my head and eventually want to do a poll to see what we can do to make the swaps fun and improve participation.
Right now, I am asking for input/ideas of what you the participants would like to see to accomplish the following:
* More participation
* Time duration of swaps
- Sign up period?
- Ship Date in relation to close of sign up?
- Time Between Swaps?
Please a few minutes and let me know what you would like to see. After receiving input, I will do a poll to try to lock things in place.