New member
Just finished making me a small batch of jelly. It made 2 cups exactly. A friend of mine who eats a low carb, diabetic diet sent me a recipe. It's made with 1 pound fruit, 1/4 cup sweetener, 2 Tablespoons chia seeds. The chia seed thicken it up and doesn't require pectin. You can use anything you want to make it sweet. I used 2 packets of stevia and 1 Tablespoon Agave. It's fine for my taste. You can adjust the sweetness to your liking. The great part is you don't can it. It keeps in fridge for 2 weeks.
I got 2 cups jelly. One for me and one for Mom.
This is 1/2 strawberry, Half Blueberry

I got 2 cups jelly. One for me and one for Mom.
This is 1/2 strawberry, Half Blueberry