hopefully a good sign


New member
May 26, 2013
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
got a call from the cops today they found some of my stuff show up at a pawn shop. it was my ice shack, tip ups, and my locator. unfortunately that was all. my tying stuff, molds, hu.ting gear, and 2 guns are still unknown amongst other stuff. tools etc. I hope they actually used a real id and not a fake. I have to go and make positive id on it even though they have my name in sharpie on them! thats what set the pawn broker off but said the guy split when asked about it. some people are dumb....


Active member
May 16, 2010
Piedmont, S.C.
Hope you keep getting some of the materials back and hope the pieces of sh#$ gets caught. I wish the law would let us have a few minutes along with these thief's, I think we would start to see a lower crime rate,.


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
One of the best ideas I have ever read on crime and punishment. A tribe in Africa had the lowest crime rate in the world. Researchers found out it was accomplished by the simplest means.

When a member of the tribe committed a crime against another. They formed a trial jury no members of the offended parties or the victims family were allowed to serve on the jury. Once the offender was found guilty. Then the victims family decided upon the punishment. There were no limits set upon the scale of the punishment. In other words you could be sentenced to death for a minor infraction. Or a sentence of a lifetime of slavery. Researchers found out that most of the time the punishment suited the crime. Each side represented themselves. They could not hire spokesman for themselves ( lawyers ). So economic status of either side was meaningless in case.

However actual statistics could be misleading , as the crime rate was so low, that no valid average was possible. Seems like the threat of an unknown punishment had more affect on keeping crime in check than ahem our more civilized approach. I think that the person prone to committing a crime just decided that it just was not worth it. Fear of the unknown is a basic human trait. Hence these so called primitive people were leagues ahead of us in crime prevention.

Knowing how devious man can be when coming up with ways to torture throughout history . I can see the chilling affect that it would have had on that tribe when it came to even thinking about a crime.