Sunday morning the city blew flood sirens in my neighborhood. 4:45 am. I was already up; had to be up by 4:30 for work. 3/4 mile away was a small park that was almost completely flooded.
Keystone Lake (biggest, closest lake to me) is 20 feet ABOVE normal pool. The freaking USCOE just can't seem to decide if they want to open the floodgates or keep them closed. I'm assuming they aren't opening up and staying open because of all the flooding downstream.
Eufala Lake is bad. The lake is almost 3' above the TOP of the flood control pool. There's 15' from the top of the flood control pool to the top of the dam. A little over 12' from the top of the water to the top of the dam. NOT GOOD. The COE is currently releasing 171,000 cfs through the floodgates. That's more than Niagra Falls.
Lake Texhoma was predicted to go over it's spillway by June 1st. It actually started going over the spillway this past Sunday, a full week BEFORE it was predicted. This is not good for the Striper population in the lake, all the big ones are just now returning to the lake from their spawning run; supposedly they hold in the main lake basin, and will get pulled through the spillway into the Red River below the dam, and be easy pickings for every local there.