Happy Easter!


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Happy Easter to everyone!!! Can't wait to see what kind of choclate and candy the good bunny brings me. :) He will run for his life if he accidently gets into my tying supplies and sees all the zonkers!!! :shells: :D


Nov 25, 2010
North Central Pennsylvania
Happy Easter Y'all!

Gorge on chocolate rabbits!! Eat the ears first... they are the tastiest part of the rabbit!


and since I'm Ukrainian I need to say - Khrystos Voskres! Voyistinnu Voskres! It is the traditional Easter Greeting which means "Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!" declares that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead.! And with the Easter Greeting comes a whole host of traditions within the Pelachik family and Ukrainian Catholics worldwide:

Ah Memories! The smells of ham and smoked kielbasi Saturday as traditional Easter food was set out to be blessed.

The traditional blessing of the foods was held immediately after Vespers and the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great on the Vigil of the Great and Holy Pascha, or Easter.

After the Divine Liturgy, people will move to the church hall, where all types of foods were spread atop tables to be blessed. Many baskets were covered by embroidered linens with Ukrainian designs.

The foods are many that are abstained from during the Great Fast, or Lent: eggs, meat, butter, rich breads and more. They are prepared ahead of time and are traditionally eaten on Holy Pascha, thereby keeping cooking on the holy day to a minimum.

Each family lights a candle, which symbolizes the radiance of the Resurrected Christ, prior to the prayers, incensing and blessing of the foods with holy water. The preist sprinkles the holy water, and family members kiss a cross held in his other hand.

The foods have the following meanings:

- Paska - A rich, decorated bread, it represents Christ, as the true bread of life and the living bread. Traditionally, the candle is placed in the center of the bread, though many use a separate candleholder.

- Babka - A sweet bread, usually with raisins, represents Mary, the mother of God (Theotokos).

- Pysanky - Decorated eggs with intricate designs and colors represent hope and are likened to Christ, who rose from the dead, since eggs, which look dead, bring forth new life.

- Krashanky - Plain, dyed eggs in a variety of colors, which also symbolize life. Traditionally, there is a red egg to represent salvation through the blood of Christ.

- Salt - A small amount represents the Christians' call to be the "salt of the earth" and their duty to others.

- Butter - Usually in the form of a lamb, representing Christ as the lamb of God and the paschal lamb. The butter also represents the goodness of Christ.

- Cheese - Cheese, along with all dairy products, is related to the prophesies that told of the prosperity and peace of the Messianic times and are symbolic of the special gifts given by God.

- Horseradish - The bitterness of horseradish is a reminder of Christ's bitter suffering.

- Beets - The red of the beets tells of Christ's Passion and the blood he shed.

- Vinegar - A reminder of the gall Jesus was offered on the cross.

- Sugar - A reminder that Christ's sufferings are seen in the light of the Resurrection.

- Ham, roasted lamb, sausage, kielbasi, bacon - These rich meats are reminders of the richness and joy of the Resurrection. They also are symbols of God's overabundance and limitless mercy and generosity.

It is important not to waste any of the blessed food. The crumbs, bones, etc. are buried so that the earth receives blessing from the Resurrection.

As the blessing ceremony comes to a close, the preist will say the fast is officially over; "Now that you have attended the Paschal services and that your Paschal foods are blessed, you can scurry home, take out the knife and fork, and dig in. The fast is over. Happy Pesach!" Or something to that extent.

Again, Happy Easter or Khrystos Voskres!

JJ's Jigs

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
That is awesome thank you so much for sharing...Reminds me of Lenten festival when I was young!


New member
Aug 8, 2010
Harrison, Arkansas
JJ that is awsome! Thank you for sharing your sermon with us. I'm 1/2 cherokee and 1/2 german. My grandmother on my mom's side is full cherokee and my granddad on my mom's side is amish. My father is german, cherokee, and cree. I'm easy going with a bad temper. I stay pretty level with myself...lol!


Apr 6, 2010
MIdland, Texas
That was awsome. Thank You so much for sharing. Being a Southern Baptist my entire life, confessions like yours always open my heart to those whom are different from me but yet we all have the same love for the same saviour. Which makes us not different but the same. Hope you had a Khrystos Voskres.