Gulp! ?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Never got a reply to my Berkley customer service email inquiry about defective Gulp!.

Due to circumstances, the current only local opportunities from the bank are 12" smallies and catfish in different areas. I choose catfish and the last two trips go 4 channels each with the bigger ones estimated 7, 10, & 15# on 3" pearl Gulp! Minnows and cut in half segments of 5" black Gulp! Sinking Minnows which look like elongated Senkos attached to 3/16 roundheads.

So, it appears possible to actually target catfish with Gulp!, don't think form or color matter much.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Saint Louis,Mo
At least someone is catching some good fish. I've been making a few different kinds of salsa for fish tacos and have been freezing some of it. I went fishing Tuesday with my son to a wildlife area hoping for some crappie to cooperate but it was so windy I almost got skunked until I tied on old reliable, flash duck and caught several small ones. Left there and hit another lake on the way home. Fished only tree visible along dam while 28 year old son threw rocks into lake to scare fish my way. Seconds later the cork goes down and I catch a fat 14" crappie, only keeper of the day so it was released. Maybe throwing rocks did the trick. I've been noticing thousands of bluegill fry about 3/4-1" long so I am going to give gulp another go and brought a jar of Gulp 1" Emerald Shiner up from the basement today and will try them again tomorrow. Maybe tip some duck jigs with them as well.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Since the inflow water torrent was shut down, huge amounts of crappie have moved into the inlet and the wipers have moved out. I don't care to target these 7-10" but a fellow dawn patroller absolutely hammers them with a noodle tail 1-1/2" Bass Assassin under a float. I think he outfishes the live minnow guys with his fantastic plastic. Rick doesn't mind cleaning his 15 crappie limit, I prefer cleaning 1 fish of decent size.

So, maybe crappie rely more on sight triggers to bite than smell, but let us know how the mini Gulp!s work.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Since lately this Winter tied Boolies have been producing nice trout consistently, haven't used Gulp! for awhile. Yesterday, after noticing that I was losing an unusual percentage of trout to fight drop offs, checked my black BooHU hook barb and yup, it was either flattened or gone. Since that jig had already accounted for 8 nice ones despite many drop offs during 4 sessions, retired it and decided to finally tie on last trout seasons successful 2-1/2" Gulp! Minnow on a 1/15 oz HU head and was rewarded with 3 chunkies 2 of which were an exceptional give or take a bit 7#.

So, recapping that Gulp! 2-1/2" Minnows will continue to be a good choice for big trout. 3" Gulp! Minnows are stocked up and will remain my go-to for the upcoming warm water season.