Gulf Fish Unsafe to Eat?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Don't know the details, but saw a Craigslist post that the oil spill dispersant effects have shut down fishing in the Gulf of Mexico? And that the major provider of toxic dispersant was linked to one of the big Wall Street firms that crashed our economy and received billions in misspent taxpayer bailout funds?


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Lindale, Texas
Blah blah blah..... I eat fish and shellfish out of the gulf regularly.... And there is nothing wrong with me.... Besides that one little twitch on the left side of my cheek!!

All kidding aside... If there was no big oil.. This country would be more belly up than it is now... They provide incomes for thousands upon thousands of people in the gulf coast region. It is unfortunate that we had a major spill 2 years ago, but I am almost directly over the site of the Deepwater horizon right now.... I see no evidence of a spill! BP did one he'll of a job cleaning up, with efforts still continuing.
I had alot more to say.... But I deleted it all...

End of story... Just one twitch.. Go big oil!!!

Ron Don

Future Sponsor
Mar 24, 2010
West Monroe, LA
I live in LA and that would be news to me. Guess you cant believe everything you hear!:D

The Fed govt really hurt our state when they stopped the drilling. Now as they FINE BP the Fed doesnt want to give any of that money back to the states that were hurt????



New member
Dec 6, 2011
Lindale, Texas
I apologize Hawnjigs....... I am a little passionate about the oilfield and the Gulf of Mexico.... I have spent most of the last 21 years in the GOM, and it has provided well for me and my family.... I don't like to slap the hand that feeds me. I can tell you that this industry could help boost the economy of this country.... IF the federal government would let us do what we do best.... Pull oil out of the ground and ocean. Big government has all but shut this industry down....and it upsets me.

And that twitch isn't even that danged bad!!! P-P-P-P-Pr-P-P-Promise!!!!!!


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
I think those of us that drive cars and use electricity have no issues with harvesting our petroleum resources. But I get upset when suit monkeys in D.C. and NY cut deals to skim my tax dollars into their own pockets at the expense of OUR food, water, and air.

Did a bit of research - the link between BP, Corexit, Nalco, Goldman-Sachs, and our fed gov is appalling. Typical cover up - bet even you LA boys close to ground zero aren't aware?

I'm confused, since the oil industry owns us, why they are allowing wells to be shut down?


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
I don't know who to believe anymore, all the dang press is swayed by one 'side' or the other and you get varied reports and have to pick and choose what you believe. I remember hearing that they (the clean-up crews) were unsure if the dispersant would cause as much harm as the oil but honestly have not heard anything since then. Maybe it has been different if you are local to the coast? For those who fish the coast - has there been any major changes in fishing regulations that would show that there is worry about a certain species? Think i remember hearing that the shellfish beds were the most vulnerable.

Personaly i think that shoreline development will be the biggest threat over time. Even an enormous oil spill will spread over the entire ocean and become just a drop in the bucket. Destroying habitat of native shorline animals is hard to EVER get back. Pelagic fish might be harmed more from the oil? Who knows.

Ron Don

Future Sponsor
Mar 24, 2010
West Monroe, LA
Thats the thing about the media... you wont hear anything unless its BAD! Its what sells i guess. I hear about surveys and studies that are being conducted. About the only thing ive heard was one showed some of the shellfish and micros were possibly smaller than normal but it of course was inconclusive.

Major problem in LA is coastline erosion. Miles and miles of the marsh disapear every year.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Lindale, Texas
Another problem with the they are mostly LIBERAL, and anti oil. The oil companies can not let their equipment sit idle, and let their investments go to waste.... after so long...they ship it to West Africa or Brazil where it can go to work now... They have issued some drilling permits, but they are not nearly what they need to be.. I have friends that have lost their jobs because of all these cutbacks in the oilfield... both on land and at sea.... Family members who have lost jobs in the support industries... This industry has been decimated by build Green energy CRAPOLA...... I for one will be voting for Mr. Mitt Romney in November. Will it make things better out here???? couldn't be any worse!!!! I would vote for a cold pile of dog do do before I would vote for our present leader.

OK..... STOP.... NO religion...NO Polotics!!!!!! LOL Good night Fellas!!


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Boise, ID
Most of the mainstream media outlets in the US are owned by large, multi billion dollar corporations. They're not liberal, just less conservative than some would prefer.

Personally, I look at oil much like I look at lead. It's environmentally unfriendly, it causes a lot of problems in pretty much all stages of obtaining and using it, but it's also very useful and at the moment there's no viable, economical alternative. It's a finite, non-renewable resource, so we should be looking for ways to reduce our dependence on it because sooner or later it will be gone.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
Oil Spill --- I live and still do a little part time work on week end here on the Gulf Coast ... I talk to people from all over the coutnry (as well as other parts of the world) and all want to know what is going on ... To boil it down .. the oil spill was big but... it was really a mere drop in the bucket .... When I was a kid we had Tar Balls on the Beaches all the timie ... When they started drilling they dissapered (pressure was relived from the bottom) ... The BAD information given out by our News Media & Federal Govmt .. really wound up helping advertise the area .. we are getting a lot of people for the first time that never knew about this area ... a lot was lost during the time of the spill from that bad information which we only had a few "Tar Balls" (Expensive Advertising)... If some of you could have seen the actions taken to comply with OSHA such as 75.00 dollar suits that were changed twice a day (This is for people working the beaches on "Clean Up") You had a person who would find the "Tar Ball" an inspector say "Yes it is a Tar Ball another supervisor to send a crew in to get the Tar Ball.
(That is just a "Brief" bit of infor on that )
BP pay out ... for workers such as Waiters & watresses as an example got paid right on the spot .. Businesses required a mountain of paper work ... My Tax person said they owed me 600.00 for lost biz for the Ready Rigs I sell but to get all the evidence thay wanted it was not worth it (I could sure use the money dont get me wrong on that point). Many claims are still open.
The Subject was about the "Safe To Eat Fish" ... I have not heard of a single case of them not being Safe.
The biggest complaint I have heard is that we have more Red Snapper than we have ever had ... Federal Regulations on catches are rediculas (Check out on line the limits) There are more caught and have to be released and the sharks and porpose have adjusted to it and are waiting for the small ones to be released.
Now they are thinking about another "Stupid" way to make your limit.
Its not our Oil Cmpanies that are at fault ... they are victims as well but they have to adjust and it can hurt us due to the Federal Regulations .. Thats a long story and I wish I could find all the details as to why we are being controlled by the FEDs on oil production -Drilling ...
The BP Oil Spill was a "Crisis" to them that they used every drop of it ... You heard the saying "Never let a Crisis go to waste" Well they are suckin that tit diry ... still today.
I could go on "Ranting" but got to get to Work
Off Of Soap Box


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Jerry go ahead and rant for both of us - I'm staying out of this one!!!!!!!!!! People would not like the comments I'd make so better to keep the lips zipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Lindale, Texas
I dodge shrimp boats every day.... if it has slowed down.... I don't see it. There has been a shortage of shrimp boats since Katrina and Rita.... but there are still plenty boats working... I just came out of the pass at Port Fourchon and had to maneuver around several of them.

My uncle told me that last year was his BEST year ever, and he has been on a shrimp boat since the early 70's I think the old coot was born on that boat!!


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
".......Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it......."


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Lindale, Texas
AtticaFish said:
".......Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it......."

LMAO!!!!! YUMMY!!!


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Jerry - Can't blame you for ranting about your work being pulled out from under you. That hurts no matter what line of work you are in, big things can change in a very short time. Still don't know how US oil companies exist when we get so much from over-seas....... loyalty is almost a history lesson now. If foreign oil costs were really really cheap, how long would local oil companies last? Would be willing to bet - no matter the politics involved - that everyone would simply buy the 'cheaper' oil and say sorry about your luck.

I've seen something similar happening..... but almost at the opposite end of the business spectrum. I work for a very small family business that originally was selling sporting goods of all kinds back in the 80's. Hunting gear, fishing gear, golf, billiards, darts, football, baseball and a very small market in team sporting goods to the local school systems..... you name it they sold it. Then - in the early 90's a Wal-Mart moved in town. Sales tanked. They sold off pretty much everything but the team sports stuff because W-Mart sold for cheap and everyone wanted it cheap. Now our biggest part of the business is selling customized apperal (uniforms, shirts, etc.) to schools and sports organizations (embroidery & screen print), awards and custom ADA Braille signage. Adapt or get run over. :beat-up:

Also - congrats on putting down the smokes! I quit as well back in November. :icon14:


New member
Apr 9, 2012
LA Lower Arkansas
Squeakyboatcaptain said:
Sorry for the ranting.... I am 35 days without smoking today.... And blow up occasionally!!

Good job , hang in there, you are almost over the hump. After about 2 and 1/2 months the cravings tend to subside.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Lindale, Texas
Thanks for the support... I have been off and on again for the past year.... Mostly off... But I am determined this time.... But I would still tackle a small child sometimes for a smole.... Good thing is I didn't bring any offshore... And there is no store here!! Nobody is willing to share... So makes it easier!!