LedHed said:
Haven't heard of the glo bee gloss -something to look into?
Frankly, I was disapointed by the low glowing performance. I guess you can´t have both, a strong glow and a clear coat since that expensive phospor stuff will be seen at some point of concentration.
I was using it because I had it and it made sense in a mix like that. Guess you can easiely replace it with a decent mix. I wouldn´t buy it again without trying to substitute with a mix of gloss and phospor.
They do make a good job of hiding the glow stuff in a perfectly clear coat, I give `m that. So if you want a very subtle shining coating on your pre-existing favorite colour and can´t get a good mix without particles beeing seen, it might be something for you, but thats highly theoretical.
@ RondDon: Thanks for the pic! Looking at those "raw" paints, I find it obvious that in the end there´s only one sort of real glow stuff to be mixed with other colours in the first place. Think about it: the darkest colours are red and orange - the ones where you can`t mix too much milky white stuff in without ending up with pink
So if you mix it anyhow, there´s no need to buy anything else then the glow concentrate. Easier to store, Easier to calibrate.