That is pretty f@!!#$ freaky! That deer looks huge, makes me wonder if one friend is trying to 'scare' the other friend off his hunting grounds. Ha! Pretty sure my friends would do it to me - and never tell me the truth.
But.............. I saved the pic, blew it up and enhanced it some in PhotoShop. Looks to be a young girl wearing a plaid dress (possibly a bonnet on her head) with an odd belt hanging down with 2 round objects on the end. The image in question is actually BEHIND the feeder, so doesn't look like it was just a clipped picture added in. Right hand at side and left hand looks to be holding one of the legs of the feeder. And that deer does seem to be looking straight at it. If this is a PhotoShop edited image... they knew what the he!! they were doing!!!!! The guy isn't a graphic artist by chance? lol