Gas Prices?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
How much are you paying in your area?

Hilo, Big Island of Hawaii $4.71 for regular. Yesterday my dental hygenist said her family of 3 moved from the country home they own to a rental in town to avoid the commute to jobs and school. Their last months gas bill was $780!



Active member
Jun 28, 2010
I have a friend in the oil business semi retired . He says the oil companies are making more money than they ever have before . So you got to know something is shady in the prices.


New member
Aug 16, 2010
Last weekend it cost me $69.00 to fill up the boat,19 gallons.The gas in New Jersey is like $3.50 or there abouts.Like .25 or higher cheaper then Pa. gas.Cost $3.89 to fill up to get there and $3.50 to come home,lol.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Lancaster, Pa.
$3.91 today for me. Went down 3 cents overnight.
Oil is not the only big business handing it to us. Greed is KILLING this Country. I am the lowest price tackle maker and I'm ok with that. I make a couple bucks doing something I like to do.
Don't even get me started on Pro Athletes!

Ron Don

Future Sponsor
Mar 24, 2010
West Monroe, LA
$3.95 for diesel this mornin. Have to fill up 3 times a week ... 65 gallon tank. Do the math because i dont want to be reminded!


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Lindale, Texas
It doesn't help that our President is making it more and more difficult for us to drill in our own country....and make us more dependent on Foreign oil. We are also losing lots of skilled positions in the oilfield....because of this... Rigs are moving out of the gulf to drill in Brazil and West Africa... and before long our offshore industry is gonna go down the tubes. Remember this when you vote in November. We need to keep the skilled workers in ALL of our industries working...Not outsourcing to other countries.

Sorry.....price of gas was about 3.80 around here.....had to vent..LOL


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Jerry You hit the nail on the head. Try to find a skilled machinest or clockmaker. We have sent every thing overseas. We live in oil country and most all the wells are caped off. No grasshoppers ( oil pumps ) are running. Seems that we have the oil but they just are not letting them get it out of the ground. As far as the Keystone pipeline or oil rigs leaving the gulf. It is no telling what the reason. May be election year politics??? Who knows but someone Has to put the USA back to work or we are going to go broke like Greece.

Gas prices in Deep East Texas $3.69 Flying J at Greenwood , La. This morning at 7:30 a.m. The cost of a 6 gallon fill for my boat $22.15. In November of 2008 was $14.22. That is a 36% increase in 3 and a half years. No Change in my pocket.



Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Has been jumping back and forth between 3.70 and just under 4.00 here. I will be 35 this year.... can remember when gas was under $1/gallon. When i first got my license, could put $5 in the tank and drive around for a week if you didn't go too far. Now $5 barely makes my gas needle move. :@ Am lucky that my work is only a 30 mile round trip each day and my wife works out of the house. Our propane bill puts the biggest hurt on us - fill it with $900 of propane and then give us 30 days to pay it.... KMA!

Squeaky - Not choosing political sides here but i think it was more than the Pres., congress or the house that got the general public leary about drilling off shore. BP's Horizon spill made everyone think twice. Now there is very little talk about the impact that the spill had, but at the time the press made it appear to be beyond comprehension and that it would be a miracle if there was to be marine life left in the Gulf after it! It was most likely blown out of proportion by the constant press coverage but no one actually knew how bad it was going to be. Now everyone has that thought in the back of their mind that it could happen again. The power that the press has is amazing and can force any politicians hand.

Is there enough oil in the ground under the US to make a dent in the gas price with how much we use? If they boost production in the states.... everyone will go buy Hummers again. :rolleyes: I also have heard before that there is not enough refineries in the US to process more oil into gas. That is what i heard and probably got that straight from the press also so could very well be dead wrong. :huh:

Fracking is big business right now but it is also causing major health & environmental headaches - if they decided to start fracking in one of the nearby shale veins in my area..... i would be there to protest! The need for gas will always be huge for business and commerce but i believe there needs to be way more research for using electric for individual consumers.

BTW - My boat costs me breakfast..... if i don't eat in the morning, i won't paddle too far. :D


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
Just under 4.00 here ... Hard to figure out the polotics of the oil industrie thru out the world ... They conrtol the oil and they control you ... Just a side note .. we could use the Natural Gas .. I see no real effort in going that way ... Electric ... takes fuel to produce .. it really is an expensive way .. Get the government out of the control (or want of control) of the fuel industry and let the economic forces work it out (I know that is asking to much)..


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
I've read that investment firms, probably the same ones that crashed our economy with sub-prime mortgage derivatives, have devised oil futures trading schemes that manipulte upward spiraling oil and gas prices. Result: heavy hitters like the Koch bros make billions which us little guys pay for at the pump.

Here are some excellent research docus about the crash of '08 and fracking. If anyone knows of a similar one about oil futures trading I'd be interested.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Boise, ID
Depending on which station you go to, it's anywhere between $3.75 and $3.80 here in Boise. At the beginning of February, it was $3.00. :/

The President has very little control over oil or gas prices. Since oil is sold as a worldwide commodity, there's a lot of speculation going on. That's why the price of gas went up so high before the economy tanked and the prices dropped like a rock.

Personally, I hope the Keystone pipeline gets killed. There's a shipping bottleneck in the midwest that forces prices down in the middle of the country. Right now, the companies are faced with selling their product at a lower price or paying storage fees. Without that bottleneck, it would be a straight shot from Canada down to the Gulf of Mexico and there wouldn't be any incentive to keep prices low. Plus it would make it easier for Canadian oil companies to sell their product to other countries. Now they mostly sell to the US, but if the pipeline goes in, that oil could be sailing off to who knows where if the overseas demand is high enough.