Has been jumping back and forth between 3.70 and just under 4.00 here. I will be 35 this year.... can remember when gas was under $1/gallon. When i first got my license, could put $5 in the tank and drive around for a week if you didn't go too far. Now $5 barely makes my gas needle move.

Am lucky that my work is only a 30 mile round trip each day and my wife works out of the house. Our propane bill puts the biggest hurt on us - fill it with $900 of propane and then give us 30 days to pay it.... KMA!
Squeaky - Not choosing political sides here but i think it was more than the Pres., congress or the house that got the general public leary about drilling off shore. BP's Horizon spill made everyone think twice. Now there is very little talk about the impact that the spill had, but at the time the press made it appear to be beyond comprehension and that it would be a miracle if there was to be marine life left in the Gulf after it! It was most likely blown out of proportion by the constant press coverage but no one actually knew how bad it was going to be. Now everyone has that thought in the back of their mind that it could happen again. The power that the press has is amazing and can force any politicians hand.
Is there enough oil in the ground under the US to make a dent in the gas price with how much we use? If they boost production in the states.... everyone will go buy Hummers again.

I also have heard before that there is not enough refineries in the US to process more oil into gas. That is what i heard and probably got that straight from the press also so could very well be dead wrong. :huh:
Fracking is big business right now but it is also causing major health & environmental headaches - if they decided to start fracking in one of the nearby shale veins in my area..... i would be there to protest! The need for gas will always be huge for business and commerce but i believe there needs to be way more research for using electric for individual consumers.
BTW - My boat costs me breakfast..... if i don't eat in the morning, i won't paddle too far.