Gas Prices Dropping !


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Yahoo! Down to $4.21 for regular here. Read that some Dixie states like South Carolina have dipped under $3. Road trip time!


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Looking at right around $3.20 in my area and sure glad to see it. 2 days ago, i actually put the nozel in my car and set the trigger so it would FILL IT UP and did not look back! I can honestly say that i have not filled my car (comute/fishing mobile) to the full mark a single time in at least 2 years. No joke. My wifes V8 Explorer (family mobile) easily eats through twice the gas as mine - very very VERY good thing she works out of the house and has no commute other than picking up work once a week.

I wanna see it hit $2....... could make a LONG road trip alot more possible. Have heard SoCal is nice with even some decent fishin'. :D


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
By Europe's economical being almost depressed ii has lessened demand. Less demand = lower cost. Look for it to go even further down as our economy becomes styled more and more like Europe's. Italy , Greece , Spain have all blazed the path and we still insist on going down that road. Now that the Supreme Court has nationalized a full 1/6 of our economy it will sink an already very weak recovery.

I am old but not old enough to remember the last " great depression " but unless I die very soon I will be living in a greater one. Unless someone can explain to me how borrowing even more money gets anyone out of debt. It don't work for those individuals that have tried it. It will not work for governments either.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
I have faith that some world event will change the direction of the price of gas at the pumps.

Agree, it's tied to demand, but the latest news in Iran's what caused gas prices to go up so fast.


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Please do not misunderstand me. I LOVE the fact the gas prices are going down. What has me extremely worried is the reason. Faltering and failing world wide economies is the prime reason for the recent drop in prices. In the long run this is bad news for all of us.

While some may applaud todays Supreme Court ruling the Obamacare a TAX and therefore constitutional. We have so many entitlement programs that we absolutely cannot afford before this ruling. I fear this is the straw that is going to break our back. Like the city of Stockton CA becoming the largest US city to declare bankruptcy. Will California as a whole follow ? If California declares bankruptcy how long before the USA goes down ? Remember NO action by anyone has done ANYTHING to check this headlong plunge off a financial cliff.

If your income was 4K a month and your spouse was spending 7.5 K a month. How long would this be able to continue ? There is a point of debt level that your creditors fear that you will lose your ability to pay. So it is with people so it will be with our and other governments. If anyone thinks Europe's financial woes and specifically the EU is strictly their problem. Those of that opinion have a lot of catch up reading to do.

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
Personally, I don't think the bailouts should have happened. Should of just gone ahead and bit the bullet. JMO


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
Fellows I would really like to see it come down under 2.00 but inflation (and inflation is going to get worse) and the devaluation of the dollar (our big debt has been the big contributor there) will keep it up .. The health care bill action has been declared a Tax (gotta change that) that factors in .. add it all up ... I was born during the depression and it did not hit my Dad until I was about 6 years old ... its not fun .. Government keeps doing the same things over & over ... You are suppose to learn from your mistakes .. they don't.

"Off Of Soap Box"

Uncle Grump

New member
Apr 20, 2010




New member
Nov 1, 2011
Boise, ID
Still sitting at $3.65 a gallon here. It's dropped slightly over the past couple of weeks, but not by much.

I can't complain about the health care act, because for me it's a good thing. I'm single and self-employed, and it gets rid of some major issues with private health insurance. Denying coverage for pre-existing health conditions, lifetime caps on benefits and charging women more just because they're women, for example. I bet very few of the people complaining about the act have ever had to deal with private health insurance, or they wouldn't be so quick to call for overturning it. I know folks who want to strike out on their own, but are held back because they can't get health insurance except through an employer. Best damn thing that has happened to soloprenuers since the Internet, IMHO.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Jigman, I too was against the gov bailouts of the financial sector, and thought that the those big banks and investment firms deserved to crash. Until I saw a movie last night called "Too Big to Fail". Altho many details are left out, the movie did help me understand that the failure of those financial firms + AIG would probably have resulted in a catastrophic collapse of not only our, but possibly the global economy. As PapaPerch suggests, economies of foreign countries, particularly Europe, are so entwined with ours that the failure of one could chain react and take down the rest.

Maybe cuz its Hollywood, but the movie portrays our gov watchdogs Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geitner et al, as heroes who gave their best efforts to craft damage control measures. Their last resort capital injection bailout was sound in principle - that Wall St. firms would use the bailout money to make loans to keep Main St. America businesses and jobs afloat. Most of us know that most of the bailout never got out of Wall St., squandered internally in salaries, bonuses, even lavish celebration parties at taxpayer expense, and our economy plunged into deep recession.



Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
If government health care is a good thing why stop there;

How about free housing for everyone ? This will cure the homeless problem.
Free car insurance for everyone ? So no one suffers from an uninsured motorist.
Free narcotics for everyone that wants them ? Solves all the crime problems associated with illegal drugs
Free higher education for all ? Even for the people who can't or won't complete high school.

Where does it all stop ? Everyone complains about the power of corporations. But the government is the only corporation that has FORCE behind them.

A government that is powerful enough to give you everything you want. Is also powerful enough to take away everything that you have. The Supreme Court's ruling did not just affect the health care issue. In essence they stated that Congress may levy any tax against individuals as long as they call it a tax. They will nto have to justify it under the Commerce Act anymore. Simply put take this scenario :

Social Security is going broke, Congress gets bright idea to seize everyone's 401 K and other retirement programs and incorporate into SSI. This ruling gives them this power.
Anyone want to celebrate that if it happens ? Just in case you think this is farfetched ITS ALREADY BEING AND HAS BEEN DISCUSSED AS AN OPTION.

If you forget everything else remember this phrase "Government is almost never the solution to any given problem. Indeed it is found that government is almost always the CAUSE of the problem.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Papa Perch you are spot on. My Grandfather used to tell me nothing is ever free someone always has to pay. The money that we are using today will be the toilet paper of tomorrow. Even it they get every thing it will not be enough to cover the debt that they are compiling. Regan was right the scariest thing that you will ever hear is " I am from the Government and I am here to help you "!!!!!!!!! Ask the people of New Orleans how the Government takes care of you.

In short I believe that we are very close to being in the Dumpster. Think that this election will tell whether we survive as a nation.

As for Gas Prices I bought regular unleaded gas at Sam's Club in Shreveport, La on Thursday at $2.99 Lowest I have seen gas in 6 months.



New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
X2 Papa & Redman

Our Gas is still hangin from 3.20 t0 3.50 ...... Non Ethinol is still over 4.00 (Premium) use this in my fisin rig .. that Government mandated Ethinol has cost me money on outboard repairs ... yes its an early 2000 ... 2 cycle ... my crystal ball went bad on what to buy then .. should have gotten a 4 cycle ...


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
The health insurance industry needs some major fixes, premiums are rising out of control. I take more of the 'weight' of the payment from my job each year at re-newel time. Will this fix it........? He!! no, alot more holes to fix before it can ever turn around IMO. Not really sure what this whole change will even do, hard to wrap my poor brain around it all. BUT - the fact that someone/anyone is trying to do something is encouraging to me. I don't believe this is a 'doomsday' scenerio as a whole lot of people i have talked to are predicting.

papaperch said:
...Simply put take this scenario :

Social Security is going broke, Congress gets bright idea to seize everyone's 401 K and other retirement programs and incorporate into SSI. This ruling gives them this power...

Not trying to be a smarta** what-so-ever but this sounds a lot like what is happening right now with the socialism claims and all. Consider this scenario from 80 years ago: During the Great Depression of the 1930s, poverty rates among senior citizens exceeded 50 percent. FDR implements a contested act to "limit what were seen as dangers in the modern American life, including old age, poverty, unemployment, and the burdens of widows and fatherless children." Under this act, all working americans are taxed to benefit just a few.

I still don't know what to think of this whole thing.......... there are alot of things that could go wrong but there are alot of things that need fixed too.

I am still on the fence.