Here is how my weekend went......
Worked till noon on Saturday. Drove home in a white-out. Normal travel time is about 25 mins to work and it took over an hour. Was driving the my little Chevy Cobalt rather than taking the wife's 4x4 Explorer. Doh! Before it got dark, my son and i decided to go out just to see what the world looked like. It was 3 out and BLOWING so we covered every inch of skin.
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This is looking South just past my property line. I have some trees in my 2 acre field of wild flowers (aka weeds) that prevents the drifts from getting this deep, but rest of the way is wide open tilled farm field.
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Sunday morning the sun came out and got to dig out the drift at the end of the drive because the snow blower would not start. Took some extra time to dig out the water trailer to haul a few loads for the week. Valves on the tank froze up each time between house and the water plant. Even broke my 4" flex hose in half (note to self, it fell into the cistern and needs to be retrieved during warmer weather) trying to get it to bend down into the cistern pipe. Another day in paradise...... at least i am not one of those stupid cats.