This almost made me cry. First off the pheasant population around here is sparse compared to what it was in the 60's & 70's but they'r coming back a little with some help. I was going to town and at the top of the hill I see something in the road in the other lane. Yep, someone had hit a nice rooster and it was laying there and actually looked like it was in pretty fair shape. As I go by I thought HEY Dummy there's some nice feathers there! So as I'm slowing down getting ready to turn around, this semi pulling a pup trailer goes by and I'm thinking, Nah, it's in the middle of the lane, he'll miss it.....Nope! The dirty rotten Bast**d lined right up and I'd swear hit it will every wheel.
Knew it wasn't worth stopping after that.....and at least I wasn't late for my appointment.