Here is the story I just got in from JBH
"This is really funny....... I was just below the Bunker cutoff in the main
river. Was wearing my broad brim straw hat pulled down. Make an unusual
high high cast with a 1/8 oz jig ghost fluke went over a high dead tree limb.
Didn't notice the tree limb because hat brim was pulled down. Boat was
moving along a bit and I decided I wanted to save the lure. In the process
of getting the boat stopped and backed up I wasn't paying attention to the
line or lure. I had to play out line in the process so it would not break.
Apparently I played out a good bit and the fluke actually went all the way
down to the water and this little 8 - 9 inch bass grabbed the darn thing.
I did not notice the fish until I got the boat stopped and positioned to
backup. I didn't feel him bite because the line was binding on the limb but
was being pulled up with the boat drift. When I looked back toward the tree
and started to wind in line there the fish was hanging about 8 to 10 feet
in the air. I couldn’t believe. Started laughing as he twitched a little.
Grabbed the camera for a couple of shots. No one would believe me
otherwise.. LOL .....JBH"