If there is a standard hook in my supplies, has to be the Mustad 3366 sproat hooks. They are heavy, medium length shank hooks. Since they are a little heavier, would not recommend them for dry flies...... but they also do not bend out as easy. If i want the eye turned down, just grab it with pliers and bend it maybe 30° or 40° down. Can turn the eye up for streamers with a hook hanging down also if you want. I could be wrong, but think they go down to at least size 12 hooks and i personally do not go any smaller than that with any hooks. They go up pretty large also. I keep a variety sizes of them in my tackle box for bait fishing also. All around favorite hook.
I do use a couple other actual 'fly tying' long shank hooks and shorter shank scud hooks for certain buggy ties. Not many though. Mustad also has a scud hook that goes up to a size 6 that is really nice for larger bug ties for smallmouth or rockbass.