For years and years i said i would never-EVER do it, but.... got sketching on a yellow post-it note during a phone conversation and a fish came out. Knew what i wanted to do with it right away. Scanned it into CorelDraw, cleaned the image up & blew it up to the size i wanted. 3 weeks later i got it inked on me.
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It is on my right side between my hip and arm pit, sometimes hard to tell what part of the body you are looking at in a pic like this. Just got it 2 days ago so it is by far not healed yet. Still hurting and bruised me up around the gill area of the fish and a few other spots. :beat-up: I love it though!!! Guessing it will be the only one i ever get - its fits me.
View attachment 6
It is on my right side between my hip and arm pit, sometimes hard to tell what part of the body you are looking at in a pic like this. Just got it 2 days ago so it is by far not healed yet. Still hurting and bruised me up around the gill area of the fish and a few other spots. :beat-up: I love it though!!! Guessing it will be the only one i ever get - its fits me.