First Ink!


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
For years and years i said i would never-EVER do it, but.... got sketching on a yellow post-it note during a phone conversation and a fish came out. Knew what i wanted to do with it right away. Scanned it into CorelDraw, cleaned the image up & blew it up to the size i wanted. 3 weeks later i got it inked on me. :D

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It is on my right side between my hip and arm pit, sometimes hard to tell what part of the body you are looking at in a pic like this. Just got it 2 days ago so it is by far not healed yet. Still hurting and bruised me up around the gill area of the fish and a few other spots. :beat-up: I love it though!!! Guessing it will be the only one i ever get - its fits me.


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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Saint Louis,Mo
I almost got a fish tattoo once,talked myself out of it. That's a nice,big tattoo. Now you need to get it colored in. You might as well go all the way.


New member
Apr 11, 2010
Seminole FL
AtticaFish said:
For years and years i said i would never-EVER do it, but.... got sketching on a yellow post-it note during a phone conversation and a fish came out. Knew what i wanted to do with it right away. Scanned it into CorelDraw, cleaned the image up & blew it up to the size i wanted. 3 weeks later i got it inked on me. :D

It is on my right side between my hip and arm pit, sometimes hard to tell what part of the body you are looking at in a pic like this. Just got it 2 days ago so it is by far not healed yet. Still hurting and bruised me up around the gill area of the fish and a few other spots. :beat-up: I love it though!!! Guessing it will be the only one i ever get - its fits me.

Oh man
I got all my tattoo's from age 14 to 16 and now that I'm 33 :dodgy: I'm looking for ways to cover them up:@ a little to much gore for me since I have two kids now :D

BTW you should of got that on your lower back :P tee hee


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
There were 25 men in my special ops team in Vietnam. During a drunken celebration it was decided that we all ought to get our outfits insignia tatooed on our right arms. Though I was extremely drunk that particular night I was not drunk enough. I can't stand needles and never could and never will.

There was extreme peer pressure for 6 months but I never gave in. My youngest son could not wait and had one done before he graduated high school. Same genetic material but radically different thought synapses.

If this causes you to catch more fish though let me know . I might have to re-consider.