figure 8


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
What are you trying to tie with or what material are you wanting to tie down?

It means to make alternating thread wraps around something. The alternating wraps makes a shape that looks similar to a number 8. Also heard it referred to as an "X" wrap. Similar as how you would wrap a rope around a boat cleat. If you tied a clump of material in the center of the hook..... you would make one wrap in front, one wrap in back, one wrap in front, one wrap in back..... and so on. It also lays thread across the material and will make it separate.

Have seen that technique a lot in fly tying, not so much in jig tying except for maybe separating individual strands of silicone skirt material. A lot of flies that have wings that are spread apart use this technique. The figure 8 also helps to hold barbell eyes or bead chain eyes to the shank a little better.

Try this link - Tying With Dumbell Eyes - then click on the first picture and click through the slide show. It show the figure 8 pattern fairly well.