Thanks Bucko, ill explain below.Bucko said:nice paint! u mix that?
Pepop said:Hey Heath, would you share your process for getting that "mottled" look with 2 powder's? FANTASTIC paint & tie's!! What is that chenille? Is the top one Texas Toast?
moswampy said:WOW! am jealous
Ron Don said:Those look very cool! Nice n froggy!
Jig Man said:The Toast did a number on um at Ivie this past weekend... Good lookin jigs sir!
plateboater said:Well done!
Thanks!Helianthus said:Very awesome looking!
Lost Pole said:Sweeeeeeeeeeeet. That's'a tailgate jig, bro. Those eyes break it up and set it off nicely. Would think the Sea Turtle would work good with it too. Id keep thatn handy in the box.
The other two vein paints I'm sending you work well under candy too.
U need to post more often.
Bucko said:what are the vein paints u are using? cuz I of that action! that paint would be great on some bass jigs! ive been exited to try some combos like this.