That is great info but the information about what the fish sees is behind. A study that started in 1999 and concluded in 2004 found that bass can see red,blue, and yellow and can disnguish between shades of each. The scientist also found that bass seem to be able to either see or detect UV light and that is when that stuff started coming out along with the explosion of new colors. The study also assumed that bluegill and crappie also share the same color vision as the largemouth bass and the reason is these fish tend to be sight feeders and species like catfish tend to see in black and white. The only reason I believe that bass can see distinct shades of color is due to an experience on a trip I took 3 years ago. Me and a fried were using tubes for smallies, we each had the same brand and color tube, green pumkin but mine was green pumpkin with black flake, his tube was plain green pumpkin and I was catching 3 to his one and sometimes 5 to 1 and then he put a green pumpkin tube with black flake on and he began catching a lot more fish, pretty strange I know but that was the only difference in color but the fish showed a preferance for the black flake.