

New member
Oct 27, 2014
Jackson, MI
I'm a cat person.  I admit it.  I've always liked cats.

I learned fairly quickly that cats and fly- and jig-tying do not always go together.  Anything that dangles/bounces/jiggles, I already had that figured out.  Have to be careful about leaving tied flies and jigs out.  I've gotten good about putting stuff up when I'm done with a session.  I have to not only put up my finished flies and jigs, but my materials as well.

I've learned the hard way, that one of my cats has a taste for deer tails.  Another one likes to bat around any finished flies/jigs I had stuck on a cork.  That was a few years ago.  I was tying on the kitchen table, so I would have to put everything up.  I could leave my vise out with no problem.

Well, a little over a year ago, we had a stray female that had a litter under our house.  After a couple weeks, one of my boys spotted the little fluffballs just outside the entrance to the crawlspace under the house.  He went back there (hard to get get, with the privacy fence and the over-sized back deck), and grabbed every kitten he could find, four in all.

I was constantly telling my wife, "we already have two.  NO MORE!  Don't get attached, because you're taking them to Wal-Mart and giving them away in a few weeks....."

YEAH RIGHT!!!!  Little buggers are still here.  We even moved them 1,000 miles from OK to MI last Fall.

Last year, I realized one of two of them has a taste for long, stiff, feathers.  Pheasant Tail and Blue and Gold Macaw, to be exact.  I've lost at least one of the Macaw feathers (don't really use them), as well as one of my PT feathers.  Luckily the PT feather was just about used up.  Last year, I left out some of my tying materials to go run an errand.  One of them managed to grab a package of strung pink marabou.  Lucky for me, there were only about 5 - 6 feathers left in the package, and I already had another package.

Well, earlier this year, I bought them used desk, dirt-cheap, at a resale shop here in town.  $20 for a desk and chair was a great deal.  Some of you have probably seen the pic I took.  Well, there are two shelves up above the desktop.  Y'all know how cats like heights?  Guess what?  I usually one or two cats perched on those shelves, just chilling.  I don't store anything on those shelves; as they're to narrow for my material boxes.  This keeps the cats close to me when I'm tying.  Normally that doesn't bother me.  Until last night, when I kept having to shoo one of the little buggers away from my black ostrich plume.  I managed to tie one really nice, intricate jig that afternoon.  After dinner, I went to tie another one.  My Black Schlappen had dissappeared!  Crap!  We started finding a feather here, and feather there.  I feared the worst, finding a pile of shredded remains, like what happened to my yellow bucktail.

Luckily, one of my sons found the package after a quick search.  Dang cat had managed to rip a few holes through the plastic and extract a few feathers, but the bulk of my black Schlappen is intact.

I count myself lucky.  I was able to gather up the bulk of the yellow bucktail that a cat shredded.  Of the feathers I've lost, I either didn't really use that feather, or was almost at the end of it.  I think I only lost 5 or 6 Schlappen feathers, the bulk of the package is still strung up.

I've read stories on other forums of guys coming home, and finding piles of loose feathers in one or two rooms, and a very guilty-looking dog......


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
time to get a designated room that they can't get into!! Before I had to have my lab put to sleep she would go nuts over any wild bird feathers had to watch her like a hawk!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Oct 27, 2014
Jackson, MI
Fatman, that was my original plan when I bought the desk. I was going to set up shop in my bedroom. Then I realized that I do the bulk of my tying in the morning, when my wife is asleep. I decided it was better to put up with the pets than a P.O.'ed wife....


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Yep - happy wife happy life

Cats - had one because the g/friend wanted one, liked it, kowl cat but realized I was a dog person.

Six cats - yeeee, no. I'd consider trading in the wife if she did that to me. (just kidding)


Active member
Jun 28, 2010
Everything goes out .No plants, no cats, no seed throwing feather dusting birds (they go to the cat) , no dogs nada noth'in on a daily basis . Brave words from a man that got conned into a hamster and two guinea pigs in the house . Plans for a new home are under way.


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
Just curious how many hooks you've had to remove from your cats?? If any I'll bet it wasn't fun and you got the worst of it.  :D  When I had my lab she loved anything that "floated" around like balloons, feathers, plastic bags ect. She would just go nut's catching it and then destroy it so I could only imagine the mess I'd have with her in a bag of marabou.


New member
Oct 27, 2014
Jackson, MI
I count myself lucky that only things I've had to remove hooks from, are one of my shoes, and one of my sweaters. The sweater incident was many years ago, before I started fly fishing, and tying.


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
I used to be a cat person. Went through a tough couple years with 2 indoor (declawed & fixed) male cats that i loved very much thinking they owned a certain couch once my children were born. We had to eventually burn the couch, stanley steamer just was not up to the task. After that experience i swore to never have another indoor cat. We do have 1 outside to help keep the rodents out of the house and sheds. It was the only one out of the litter that stuck around and has to be the dumbest cat i have EVER seen. But............ Still have a soft spot for those ones that love to curl up in your lap.

BTW - My wife once found a hook in the bottom of her foot after walking by the area where i tie. That was not a happy phone call. I do keep those little fly hooks sealed up now.


New member
Oct 27, 2014
Jackson, MI
Ok, I will have to make a retraction.

I have been working on a 200 jig order for a buddy. I've been using a coffee mug to hold painted, but naked jigs while tying them. Once they're tied, I put the finished jig on the back side of the coffee mug, and grab one of the untied jigs and mount it in my vise. I usually do a big order like this by splitting it up into batches of 10 jigs at a time. Some days (days off) I might be able to get 30 - 50 jigs done. Days I work, I'm lucky to get in the full 10.

Last night, I started a batch of 10. Managed to get 2 done, then had to do something else. Put away all my tools and materials. Both finished jigs went into my production box. The painted/naked jigs I just pulled up off the rim of the coffee mug, and dropped them down inside. Turn off the lights, go to bed, no biggie.

This morning, I had some time before I went to work. I pulled out my materials and tools and got down to business. Managed to get 5 out of 8 jigs tied up. Time to go to work. Put everything up, finished jigs into my production box, and naked jigs back into the coffee mug.

While I was at work, I get a phone call from my wife. Apparently our longhair Calico was playing around with the jigs, inside the mug, and managed to hook her paw. My wife was able to get the jig out of her paw without any major effort, which is surprising, knowing this cat.

Live and learn.

I really should start looking for a roll-top desk.


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
Hope I didn't curse you by asking... :D I had forgot to mention that I had once "caught" my lab when testing out some tackle at a local pond. Was practicing with my new bait caster and a Rapala when on the back cast my pole stopped quickly and I heard a Yelp! Ahhh crap. The Rapala had caught her on the rear hip up toward the center of her back. Of course she was about to bite the thing that was biting her and I had to make a mad dash to stop her otherwise I would have a U shaped dog with a hook in her lip and one in her butt. I got her back home and my dad helped hold her and of course it was in to the barb but not all the way through and any time I moved it a little bit I got that LOOK and she would fidget making things worse. Dad finally just grabbed it with a pliers and just gave it a yank which only resulted in a mild yelp and a happy dog. One of those things that just happens and gratefully turned out ok. I have heard of much worse situations like the time a fellows over zealous dog stepped into the middle of his tackle box while it was open. I was told of this by the vet that had to sedate and remove the numerous lures from the dog.

Lost Pole

New member
Nov 11, 2010
Pearl River, LA.
Thx for the good read!
I'm a cat guy. Dog guy too.
Outside now reading this. This is my drinking cat, Tonto. He's had a few too many tonight.

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New member
Oct 27, 2014
Jackson, MI
The litter of four kittens we got out from under our house almost 2 years ago look almost exactly like Tonto!