Well guys I was just the victim of a freak accident Thursday . I was mowing the back 2 acres . Had just finished and cranked the rider up to full bore Zooming around getting the whiskers and weeds I missed the first time . My back yard has fescue which is tuff as steel and grows in deeply rooted clumps . Now some may or may not know that a riding mower has a single deck adjustment rod going from the deck to the front of the mower. It only hooks into a flange and held by a washer and a cotter pin . Long story short this thing came out dropping the front edge of the deck into the dirt hanging on one of those giant clumps of grass . The result of that and a full speed approach brought the mower to a complete STOP . Beat the heck out of my shins and knee caps . Then the rear end came up throwing me out of the seat and over the side . I didn't get cut up scratched up or anything. But I do feel like a run over puppy in the middle of the HWY . Day or two I'll cripple out there and see if my junk is still hanging in the steering wheel . The way I feel I had to loose some kind of body part .