Browser Question


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
What web browser do you use most?

I had used Internet Explorer for years and just recently (2-3 months) switched over to Chrome. Has taken a while to get used to using the developer tools and general settings but do like it better than IE now. The spell check feature as you type no doubt has me spelling better on emails and posts. :D

Only downfall is it seems like i get a lot of pages that need to be refreshed or reloaded before they come up. Quick hit of F5 key to refresh so no biggie. Just a little bit ago, JigCraft would not load AT ALL for me..... was getting a generic 404 error (page not found) and the title of the page was "Not Found On The Accelerator" :huh: Never have seen that message. Cleared my cache and all my history, did not help. Was getting nervous that the server was f'd up or host had been hacked - but after about ten tries of going to the forum through my bookmarks.... it just popped right up. Anyone know what that message is? Is it a Chrome thing? We just switched our net provider here at work to AT&T Uverse.... so maybe it is an AT&T issue?


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
As much as I hate IE and it's problems it saves me a lot of time. They tried Chrome at work and it was nothing but a PITA!!!!!! and because of contracts wont' try Firefox or others.

The 404 error - Kinda of like a host error refusal. Your going to a site and it's somehow blocking you or most likely the ip address of your internet service. It can happen and it will drive you crazy when it does.


Apr 24, 2010
Lubbock, Tx
Played with chrome,but Im just too familiar with firefox,and have very few problems,no where near enough to switch.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012

Played w/ FireFox until work banned it.

Could get FireFox through a back door, buy why P.O. the IT folks when I don't have to.


Active member
Mar 24, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
AtticaFish said:
What web browser do you use most?

Just a little bit ago, JigCraft would not load AT ALL for me..... was getting a generic 404 error (page not found) and the title of the page was "Not Found On The Accelerator" :huh: Never have seen that message. Cleared my cache and all my history, did not help. Was getting nervous that the server was f'd up or host had been hacked - but after about ten tries of going to the forum through my bookmarks.... it just popped right up. Anyone know what that message is? Is it a Chrome thing? We just switched our net provider here at work to AT&T Uverse.... so maybe it is an AT&T issue?

Firefox for me. Support was ending for my version of IE and my system isn't compatible with the following version(s). The IE browser became very unstable with regard to security. Couldn't determine if it was revealing compromised web sites to me with any degree of accuracy.

Don't really know how to define/explain your message other than to state that I received the same message yesterday when attempting to view the board and several individual posts at times. I suspect that it was some instability on the part of the host. At times the indexes I pointed to were not defined or available on the host server for the JC board application, hence the host-issued error messages. Least, that's the way I interpret it. No problems since btw.



Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Looks like there might be a slight majority that uses Firefox..... have yet to try it myself. I used IE for years and was reluctant to move on to Chrome, but found out i like it better. Need to just give the Firefox a shot i guess.

Doug - I do know what the normal 404 'page not found' errors are and what they mean - this wasn't it.

Pup said:
...I received the same message yesterday when attempting to view the board and several individual posts at times...

Thanks Pup - good to know it wasn't just me loosing my mind. Makes me lean towards it being a temporary server side problem also, since you got the same message....... unless by chance you are using AT&T as an ISP and it was a service issue with them. I haven't had it happen since either - as long as the forum database is intact - all is good. :P


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Sorry Ron didn't catch the "Not Found On The Accelerator" - so now I can say you are probably right on it being a temp server problem.

About 2 weeks ago my ISP updated their system and my machine was slower than heck. The only site that would pop right up and work right was I finally found the problem and it was a WMI file error that the ISP provider didn't load right and it locked up the WMI file on my laptop. I wrote down all the stuff I had done in the previous 4 days and did a system restore for the day before they did the update. Rebooted and my system was flying again.
