Baltops Naval Excercise


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Its "Kiel Week" again, we are expecting 3Mio bilge drinking visitiors over for free concerts, quite a bit of sailing contests and last not least half the free world`s navy to relax after the "Baltops" naval exercise. What struck me this year at the "open ship" event in the naval base is not only the sheer amount of 50(!) units but also the quality. It used to be the good guys keeping the bad guys from landing in Denmark and breaking out of the baltic. Now it seems to be the good guys landing... somewhere. There used to be one or two russian landing ship, now there are only friendly ones and no Russians. Its bigger, nicer.... but somwhow different and I`m not sure if I like it.

Never seen packs of destroyers. This year it were 5 or so, even mixed nations, stacked at the pier. 


half a dozen or so peace loving fellas were protesting outside the main gate. Peace people show no sense of ironic frame control and their fotografing skills stand no compare to my fishing pals. 

As usual, the U.S.Navy was outstandingly protective about thier vessels and the only ones to man their machine guns. Long lines, intensive searches... I try to remember them the friendly, almost sloppy way they behaved before 9/11.   

Seen my share of destroyers but would have loved to take a peek into this british landing ship(left). Was not open yesterday, I might go there again today.

The masts in the background are also packs of frigates/destroyers, and many units that took part didn`t even fit in for kiel week and went home.   


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Hey, thanks for the pics - sounds like a massive good time for those inclined. Some things I noticed:
1. The water looks clean considering the massive amount of use. Nice day to be fishing.
2. The harbor is BIG, and touring more than a few ships must be EXHAUSTING.
3. The Kiel event is probably a HUGE revenue driver for the town?
4. Had to look up "krieg" but assuming the other 2 words are similar to English?
5. Not a lot of foot traffic.
6. What does your hat say?


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Hawnjigs said:
Hey, thanks for the pics - sounds like a massive good time for those inclined.  Some things I noticed:
1. The water looks clean considering the massive amount of use. Nice day to be fishing.
2. The harbor is BIG, and touring more than a few ships must be EXHAUSTING.
3. The Kiel event is probably a HUGE revenue driver for the town?
4. Had to look up "krieg" but assuming the other 2 words are similar to English?
5. Not a lot of foot traffic.
6. What does your hat say?

1. jep, good enough to target browns. Way too much folks around to go fishing though. I discontinued my street fishing workshops because of too many complaints and sharp prosecution.
2. Its not as big as it looks on pictures but still a good mile from one end to the other. When I was drafted into a naval transport batallion and served as a Kieler Woche driver, I was always happy to give foreign crewmen a lift downtown but inside the base I frequently had to fend of (british) sailors who fell into my car and asked to be driven to their ship. We had strict orders to refuse such favors because it would have caught us up all day to shuttle from one end to another rather than report back to duty.
3. yes, big time. There are hundreds of food and beer booths struggling to make a profit against very high fees. A burger is 6-8 $
4. Yes, the transparent says "War begins here"
5. That was only momentarily. I wanted ships on the picture.
6. Its the same "no apologies" hat I explained in the latest small boat cod thread. Its nice to have clean water and everything but we have come to a point where more is not more any more. Fishermen are starting to complain about too little nutrition influx into the Bodensee (lake), downstream migrating eel are being chopped to pieces by ridiculously small and inefficient turbines, city parking space is being build back etc. I have had it with the green. Will get myself another cap though. Being the 45year old single that I am, disconnecting with the youth (50% of them vote green) and becoming ever more grumpy isn`t doing anything for me.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
"War begins here" are terms of endearment to some of us

Freedom's not free