Bain Capital ?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
A lot of us are disappointed with our Fed gov. which apparently has been unable to proceed with significantly repairing our crashed economy due to overwhelming corporate influence at the legislative and regulatory levels aka BRIBES. Thus, many of the promises our Pres made to get elected remain unfulfilled due to partisan polical stonewalling by lawmakers and its EZ to call him a liar and conclude its time for a change.

Informational media is no longer trustworthy, and distortions, exaggerations, and even outright lies seem to be fair game nowadays. Found this online, I wonder if its accurate?



Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Doesn't make me think at all. All these wonderful "green " companies that recently went bust after huge government investment . America became the worlds dream because of the capitalistic system. Every other mode of social engineering has failed miserably. Who is going to pay for that mess ? The American taxpayer thats who. Just like we bailed out the auto industry and now we are told GM has paid it all back. Sorry folks that is another lie look up the stats.

Those politicians who promise to cut taxes for the middle and lower classes and soak it to the rich. While they do soak it to the rich the promised tax cuts to the other classes are never realized. Pretty soon the rich get fed up paying for everything and emigrate. Renouncement of American citizenship is at a all time high. Why ?

Look at California as an example. They are going broke. There are more " takers " than "makers " in that state and way more money going out than coming in. Liberals buy their constituents votes by promising to " share " the wealth and to establish a " fair " system for everyone. But eventually they run out of other peoples money. Their answer is to raise taxes even higher. California is now losing its more affluent businesses and people. This group is now moving to more business friendly states. Its getting so serious there people might have to actually get a job to get some money.

When " progressives " talk about the fundamental changes they want to make in America. They are talking about changing our Constitution " progressively " to socialism and finally communism. Those two systems that have failed everywhere else in the world are somehow going to work here ?

This next election is going to decide what fork in the road we take as a country. I think its going to rely on America's work ethic. If the majority thinks its ok to be a taker then that the road we will go down. If the majority thinks you ought to have to earn a living then there might be a hope.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
papaperch said:
Doesn't make me think at all. All these wonderful "green " companies that recently went bust after huge government investment . America became the worlds dream because of the capitalistic system. Every other mode of social engineering has failed miserably. Who is going to pay for that mess ? The American taxpayer thats who. Just like we bailed out the auto industry and now we are told GM has paid it all back. Sorry folks that is another lie look up the stats.

Those politicians who promise to cut taxes for the middle and lower classes and soak it to the rich. While they do soak it to the rich the promised tax cuts to the other classes are never realized. Pretty soon the rich get fed up paying for everything and emigrate. Renouncement of American citizenship is at a all time high. Why ?

Look at California as an example. They are going broke. There are more " takers " than "makers " in that state and way more money going out than coming in. Liberals buy their constituents votes by promising to " share " the wealth and to establish a " fair " system for everyone. But eventually they run out of other peoples money. Their answer is to raise taxes even higher. California is now losing its more affluent businesses and people. This group is now moving to more business friendly states. Its getting so serious there people might have to actually get a job to get some money.

When " progressives " talk about the fundamental changes they want to make in America. They are talking about changing our Constitution " progressively " to socialism and finally communism. Those two systems that have failed everywhere else in the world are somehow going to work here ?

This next election is going to decide what fork in the road we take as a country. I think its going to rely on America's work ethic. If the majority thinks its ok to be a taker then that the road we will go down. If the majority thinks you ought to have to earn a living then there might be a hope.

You nailed it Papa! Well written! :t-up:



Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Papa - lots of times that's all I can put down for a comment. Being a Govt employee they kinda frown on certain comments and I'd like to make it to retirement. One thing I can say is "IF" we were allowed to do our job the way the law is written things could be alot different.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Maybe I'm thinking too much, but at this stage in life have realized that:
1. Money is an addiction
2. The more I have the more I want
3. The more I have the greedier I get
Luckily, generosity to others keeps the obsession somewhat under control.

So, in evaluating others, the line "Follow the money" rings true. So, found these hard #s about our two CEO choices sources of funding:


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Try sending this one to your State legislators and your Congressional Reps - To receive your unemployment or welfare benefits you have to pass a drug screen every three months!!!!!!!!!!!!

The answer I got back from my State Reps was it violated their constitutional rights!!!!!!!!!! Didn't hear anything back from the Washington Crew.


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
The downside of capitalism is that there will always be people out there who do it un-ethicaly. Betting it has been that way since Fred and Wilma were trying to save xtra clams. :-/ My wife and i pretty much spend our money freely on WHAT WE WANT at that time as long as we have enough to cover the bills. Only way i would ever be wealty is if i fell into money. :P But my family is happy.

If we did find some way to fix those tax loop holes in your 1st video......... how long do you think it would take before they would find a slightly different way to do it that was just as un-ethical? Not very long.

Fatman has a good point. Drug screen is a start. BUT - it all comes backs to ethics. Some will use the benefits correctly, but others just use it because they can. Maybe the way the world goes round is that the good ethically minded people are taxed to pay for the un-ethical??? Oh sh!t, get out the hip waders. :rolleyes:

Trying to fix anything in our current 2-party political system is almost a joke IMO. People become color blind too easily because of single issues and fall in line behind their party because of that. I have a very hard time picking sides BECAUSE of that. I could rattle off 6 different 'hot button' issues (but wont) that split the fence between red and blue and they weigh out equaly in my mind - can't pick one over the other.

I don't mind the political discussion here as long as we keep it just that and don't take things personaly.