June was born yesterday at 12:12 pm. Weighed 9lbs 3oz. She's a chunk! Got some big ole cheeks. Mom and baby are doing great! Wow amazing what moms can go through! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
Dang buddy, two good looking girls.... Your in trouble now!!! Congrats on everything going well. And your right, if more fathers were around during that time I think we would respect our wives more!!!
Tell me how in the heck can a woman be smiling after all that. I'd still be screaming my lungs out. GIVE ME DRUGS!!! Beautiful gals you got there . God bless Ya'all . Give that baby a bobbin to play with instead of a rattle and a big ole ball of pink chenille . Might as well keep the family tradition going early.
I was wondering when she was going to arrive. Congratulations,she's a keeper. She might be bigger than my grandson and he's three weeks old. The little one's are amazing, take care of them DAD.
Okay Ronny Am very happy for you both. Baby June looks like a keeper to me. Know where she gets her good looks from. If has to be a good day to be born as it was our anniversary. Been Married 8 years to the sweetest gal in all of Texas. Will be a good catch for some guy in about 30 years or so. When ever you decide not to go on a date with her as a chaperon.
Congratulations to you both. Glad that she is finally her for you to enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats to you both and very happy to hear everyone is doing good. I remember those hours of just staring and thinking how it could all be possible. Live it up my friend - once they get those legs figured out - they don't stop. Have fun with diaper duty too!