At last! A video game movie that looks like it might be good


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Boise, ID
You'll have to forgive my geek out moment here. :D

Video games are my other expensive hobby. I've been playing them since I was a kid in the 80s. I also love animation, to the point where I go to see animated movies with no kids tagging along. There have been dozens of games based on or around video games, and I can only think of a few that even reached mediocre on the quality scale. Movies based directly on games tend to fail because they change things too much. Movies based around games as a whole tend to fail because they DID NOT DO THEIR HOMEWORK and show things that break the sense of immersion. In fishing terms, think about the commercials and TV shows/movies where they show someone who is supposed to be fishing with a spinning rod, but they're holding the rod upside down and cranking with the reel on top.

Disney's upcoming CGI movie looks like it might be the exception. Check out the mockup arcade game they made for a convention last year. It would fit right into a classic 1980s arcade.


They even put a lot of thought into the art design on the cabinet. It's clearly inspired by the classic Nintendo arcade games of the 80s.


Plus it's going to have tons of character cameos from real video game series, ala Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Notable characters include Bowser from Super Mario Bros, Dr. Robotnik from Sonic the Hedgehog, Zangief from Street Fighter and Dr. Wily from Mega Man.

Comes out in November. I can't wait!


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Shoe I hear ya!!!!!!! My Wii system my wife bought me was to replace my old Nintendo system which I'd already gotten a replacement deck for and it died to (played too many games). I've already bought two game maxi packs that contain old video game's, Got the new Donkey King Country, and the new Kirby!!!!! Pretty bad I know!!!!!!

There are more of us geeks out there LOL


Active member
May 16, 2010
Piedmont, S.C.
LOL that does look like it will be interesting. I guess the old games is the reason I like to play Angry Birds but I have already finished the newest one they just came out with and am waiting on the next release....


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Lancaster, Pa.
Nothing wrong with video games, unless they take over your life lol. Only game I play anymore is an online golf game.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Boise, ID
The first Mortal Kombat movie is probably the closest thing we've had to a decent video game movie. I saw it in the theaters when it came out. It's OK, but not great. Goro looks REALLY fake, though.

BTW, Kano is supposedly making an appearance in Wreck-It Ralph if they can get the rights. That will be interesting.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Thank God I thought that I was the only old geezer that played video games Not addicted but at times sure help to pass some time away. Wife bought me a Kindle Fire and there are a bunch of games on there. But they can't match the X box 360. Just more portable but battery life is like 5 hours max. My son got me hooked years ago with the Nintendo game system back in the early 1990's he still has it and still works last time I was there we played Ghostbusters on it.Lols I bought it for him when he was 8 or 9 and he has taken care of it ever since. My favorite old Nintendo game is Duck Hunt and yes I hate the dog.



New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Nephew Freddie is the X Box 360 master. He got me hooked on the Red Dead Redemption. But I like them Cowboy type games anyway.



Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
redman said:
......My favorite old Nintendo game.....

Think my brother and i went through 2 or 3 of those gun controllers on the OLD nintendo. We would shoot that dang dog every time he would pop up and snicker. :) Favorite games for me were Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy though - spent many many many hours battling creatures to make my HP/MP level higher. Played all of the Final Fantasy games up until it went to the 'Online' style of play.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Boise, ID
Don't feel too alone. A lot of people who grew up playing video games in the 80s and 90s have continued to play them into adulthood. Many of them play video games with their kids. Statistically, the age of the average gamer is 37, and 29% of people over 50 play video games of some type. I've been to Penny Arcade Expo (the biggest convention in the industry) five times and the vast majority of the people in attendance are high school age or older. It's held twice yearly, 3 days on the east cost in the spring, and 3 days on the west coast in the fall. Attendance for the last two shows was over 70,000 people per show.

I'd estimate in the next two or three generations, playing video games will be something everyone does.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Boise, ID
On a sort of related note...

Well, badges for the expo west went on sale last week, then they closed them due to server overload. The organizers never gave a specific date when registration would reopen, just 'soon' so I've been checking every day. Last year it took over 3 weeks for 3 day badges to sell out, and almost a month and a half for single day badges. Checked the site today only to find the badges went on sale earlier in the day and ALL the badges were sold. Scalpers are already hawking them on Craigslist and ebay for five times the registration price. :(

Guess I won't be going this year. Apparently the only thing they did to alert people was send a twitter message when they reopened registration with no advance notice. If you were at work or away from an Intermet connection or just not on twitter, you lost out.

Is it just me, or is that a really crappy way to run registration for a popular event? :/


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Boise, ID
Gonna bump this thread to say the movie came out yesterday. I went to an afternoon showing, and it's everything I had hoped. Easily the best video game movie ever made (not that there was stiff competiton for the title, since the vast majority have been terrible.) You'll get the most out of it if you're a gamer, but you don't need a deep knowledge of video games to follow the story or understand what's going on.

There are a lot of cameos going all the way back to the classic arcade games of the 80s, but they don't bog down the plot.
