New member
Yesterday I was busy as all get out. Couldn't get out and enjoy the 70 degree day. Today my work is all done and my wife and kids went to mother-n-laws for the weekend. I had all day today and tomorrow to fish but the weather turned and it got windy and barely made it to 40 today. Now its raining and weather says temps in upper 30's and chance of wintery mix for the next seven days. WTH! I was finding Morels at this time last year. The cold weather itself doesn't bother me but the fact that I don't have a boat right now and can't get to where the crappie are during the cold weather does. Aaaah now that I've vented a bit I think I'm going to enjoy the rest of my night by fillin my belly with some fried deer steak and gravy. Then turning on some good ol tunes ever so loud and tie a few. Who knows maybe i'll be able to use them to catch some fish one day.