Ron Don
Future Sponsor
On the way home from work my truck was saying the temp was 110 and the radio said the heat index was 128!!! You mix 110 with our humidity and its BAD! So I got out my little infrared thermometer and had a little fun in the yard this afternoon. First pic is in the shade on the back deck.

Then i walked to the other side of the deck that isnt shaded!

Then I shoot at the BBQ grill!

The worst was my shiny alluminum boat! For some reason the pic didnt take. But the boat was 202 degrees!
Then i went back in the house!!!

Then i walked to the other side of the deck that isnt shaded!

Then I shoot at the BBQ grill!

The worst was my shiny alluminum boat! For some reason the pic didnt take. But the boat was 202 degrees!
Then i went back in the house!!!