Thanks, I had not thought of the wood carving knife. I did not take as much time as I should have I guess you might say detailing the mold. I used oven baked clay to hand form the lure shape and then poured plaster of paris over it. It formed the mold ok, but tried to break out around the edges when I removed the blank to reveal the mold. I have a couple of hand poured molds on the way. I also plan on getting some injection molds.toadfrog said:I use a wood carving heat knife to trim . You have to keep a piece of steel wool laid out to wipe off the tip but it does a fairly clean job . Not bad for a first try . I've made several pop molds and so has a bunch of the rest of the guys . Feel free to ask away.
stanger1944 said:Where do you get most of your molds?