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  1. H

    Getting cold outside? Its trout time

    Boats are winterized and still water ice caps are forming. While others are resigned to be stuck indoors till Spring I look forward to the cold season for ruff country river treks when the ground snow melts enuf to allow passage & temp is above line freezing. Altho most of the river monsters...
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    Latest Greatest Softie

    Actually, tested & proven when I first moved to Nebraska years ago then forgotten as I moved on trying other stuff. First time tried on a hot sunny day with the usual crowd of bait dunkers forcing me to stand between them casting close in straight out. Within a few casts had 2 chunk wallys 21"...
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    Spinning Reel Maintenance

    Noticed that my 10# Sufix 832 was getting fray spots, rod guides and tip top didn't appear to have any damage. Running a finger along the top edge of the reel spool revealed multiple nicks & ruff spots so smoothed em out with a 600 grit diamond abrasive bar. The consequence of being in a...
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    Night Jigging - the final frontier

    If your exploits require a boat, then venturing out in the dark is sketchy, eh? I don't blame you, could run into an unseen hazard or unforseen inclement weather, and getting disabled at night assistance would likely be limited at best. However, fishing from shore at night might present...
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    Z-man Elaztech

    Getting spanked by the local regulars at the Sutherland Inlet targeting smaller wallys ended yesterday. It appears the Z-man opening night color Slim SwimZ caught more wallys than anyone throwing the preferred Keitech boot tails except for the reigning champ Jason & his unsurpassed presentation...
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    Doll Flys

    Anybody remember using them? I just bought some vintage Doll Flys mfg in the original Elmer Thompson facility in Knoxville TN. Altho the hooks were rusted out useless I retied what appeared to be original now banned arctic critter fur on my own jig heads Interesting material very fine...
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    Deleting Posts

    One of our actively contributing members deleted most of his posts which disrupted the continuity of the topics. Is it possible for the site admins to restore them?
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    Open Water in Winter?

    Never have never will ice fish, but moving water here provides opportunity to get some tugs during warm window ice melts. Last week walked a mile of river bank with a bit of snow on shady ground and got around 20 mostly 10" rainbow trout + a bonus 15# carp hungry enuf to bite a jig. 1/16 #6...
  9. H

    Incredible feeling when an old design proves productive

    Tuesday called sometimes fishing pard Gale if he wanted dunk some jigs that night but he instead requested my help tarping the roof of his house just stripped to install metal roofing which project he couldn't finish in time before the forecast storm starting last night. So I told him I'll...
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    Thought I was Getting Biguns
  11. H

    Microfiber Lines

    Been using em since the original Power Pro first debuted in 1997. Took awhile to replace mono, but now my reels are spooled 100% with braid. Tried lots of different brands, especially in the early formative years, nowadays more brands & types than I have time to try. Learned the hard way thru...
  12. H

    Small Fish from Shore at Night on Jigs

    Glory days of Summer are done, and there is only a single spot with any chance of catching fish from shore within my comfort range of an hour drive from home. Normally productive canals connecting 3 reservoirs are shut down and even the crawdads in remainder pools croaked. Tragic amount of...
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    The Legacy of our Mentors

    Gone but not forgotten: Uncle Shu for his creative spirit designing his own jig heads and surface plugs. Uncle Oja for his off the beaten path adventuring. Most of all John McKean aka JiggerJohn for laying the foundation of my current jig fishing success. Bout 15 yrs ago when I first started...
  14. H

    Big Fish From Shore At Night On Jigs

    During the first 5 years since moving to Nebraska noteworthy catches were few, far between, and right place right time sheer luck. The past 3 years tho thru leaps of faith R & D implementation catches have been extraordinary relative to the limitations of the available resource. Rather than...
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    Breaking the Routine

    Sometimes equals extraordinary results, like when I decided to try night jigging from previous daylight preference. Catches morphed from mediocre dink infested sizes to master angler trophies, all released of course, and now during the warm season mostly fish in the dark. Side benefit of...
  16. H

    Best Mold for Tie Guys

    Altho I'm pushing 100 molds practically all for others, for my own tying just one suffices for my limited needs . I would recommend these for a newbie pourer as not only a good start but useful tools for life. In addition to the...
  17. H

    KISSing Winter Smallies

    Don't ice fish, so wait for warmup windows to access flowing open water. Been sunny enuf to melt some snow from south facing banks and in high 30s temps guide/line icing isn't an issue. Could see it coming earlier in the cold season, river trout appear to be fished out and a 6 mile RT hike...
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    WTF Creations

    It seems that the masters of wacky are still with us, won't mention names they know who they are haha. Lets see what y'all got. Being the most simple minded KISS tier on board here can't contribute but my friend Kathryn out east shared this.
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    Since tin is only 2/3 lead weight its a viable option for casting jig heads for slower shallow running over snaggy bottoms. My best choice for warm season night jigging off the rocks. Pure tin is a bit softer than lead so spike barb collars are bendy and barb tips are best trimmed short. More...
  20. H

    Walleye Jigs

    Summer epic wally bite history, now having to scratch hard to find a few strays and entice them to bite. Cupla nites ago Jigger John's Boolie shank mount propeller ahead of bead collar has been a ticket. 1/8 ball head poured with tin down to 1/12 oz 2/0 Gamakatsu 604 heavy wire red hook #3...