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    Superstition ain't so bad as long - but only if you catch fish!

    One definition of superstition: a false conception of causation One of definition of prejudice: an adverse opinion formed without sufficient knowledge Not all superstitions or prejudices regarding lure fishing are problematic when you still catch fish consistently based on those misconceptions...

    Lure diversity and other stuff make fishing interesting

    As everyone has gathered from my posts, soft plastics have caught hundreds of fish this year and in previous years. Crankbaits, skirted jigs with trailers, blade baits (spinnerbaits, Mepps, tail spins, etc.) not so much. It's not that they don't catch fish but that my addiction-to-the-strike...

    Metric wt. a bit confusing

    Some sites sell jigheads but only list metric wights - grams. Would like some help matching these sizes to weight in grams so I know what to order: 1/32 1/24 1/16 1/8 Thanx

    An idea to keep soft plastics up on jigheads - the Grub Grip

    This is the end product of the grub-grip. Gut some 24 gage coated floral arrangement wire Snip a section off and line it up to the line tie post: Wrap one end around the post tightly: Snip off one side close and use pliers to make it tighter: Bend the wire as shown: Swing the...

    wire leaders vs sharp teeth

    I finally got tired of losing so many lures to pickerel. A few days ago my Zara Spook-like surface lure was gone in a second along with 3 - 5" swimbaits! So, I searched my wire leader selection (not used in over 10 years) and found one only 6lb test in diameter with a duo-lock snap-to-loop at...

    Continuation of discussion about lure choice

    This year has been very instructive on many counts. 1. Contrast is key When I think of all the lures I've caught fish on over the last 4 decades, I gotta believe that they just don't fit into the environment fish call home. We've heard the term natural as it is applied to lures. But in the...

    Wire Grub Grip

    Who doesn't get irritated when a soft plastic lure slides down the jig hook? This solution puts an end to that....and no, fish could care less. Spoon Minnow with wire in place: another example

    Candle flame the easiest way to produce hybrid shapes

    Heat the ends slightly: hold together for a few seconds I use a battery-powered solder gun to smooth the seam to strengthen it or sometimes roll the seam over the flame until it melts slightly. Without doing it, the parts will separate after a few fish. A hybrid...

    Modifying soft plastics or using the originals in different ways - photos that were missing

    Last summer I discovered a shape that blew me away: curly tail grub minus the tail !!! A large pickerel attacked the lure at the boat, ripping off the curl tail. Being the curious bloke you all know and love, I figured: why not cast what's left and see what happens? Turns out It opened another...

    lighter jigs/smaller lures can make a difference in cold water

    The winter in N,Y, has been the warmest on record. The ice has never been thicker than 4" and mostly thin black ice. In Feb. the air temperature reached near 60 degrees on some days and any snowfall melted quickly. Rain amounts have been amazing which would have been a real snow problem if the...

    Would appreciate your input regarding a negative post from another forum

    Forget I mentioned it. Not the first time.

    Creature fishing mentioned in posts - but what is your definition of a creature bait?

    I've caught fish on all types of lures and concluded decades ago that most lures ever made fall into the definition of creature: anything created, whether animate or inanimate. Of course, anglers animate objects that fish strike causing fish to react aggressively, so, reaction-innovations seem...

    Grub Grip wire - method


    Lure made using a serving spoon no less!

    What's needed: 1. Metal serving spoon 2. hot plastic 275 degrees (microwave/ Pyrex cup) 3. razor blade 4. glassy surface like a floor tile or mirror* Heat the plastic Dip the spoon into it leaving a thin sheet of plastic Let it cool Lay the sheet on a glassy surface Using the blade, press down...

    Incredible feeling when a new design proves productive!

    Today was amazing just like yesterday. 144 fish in 2 days caught on lures tested and retested - many that anyone can make. The beauty of the ball head jig is the number of soft plastics that can be rigged and the overall versatility whether in heavy cover, shallow or deep water. One design blew...

    Site down?

    Was this site down for a while?

    Fish by the numbers or schoolies unit!

    I've posted large numbers caught in a single outing and there is a reason: schools of fish either of the same species or mixed, hit my lures one after another nonstop. It has been stated in different posts that fish get tired of a lure - the reason for changing. Fortunately this isn't true...

    Rain has saved the day in June!

    We've had drought conditions for over 3 months and it affected various patterns I can count on in spring. Drenching rains in the last week have caused local waters to rise 3/4 of a foot and with it, placement of fish in areas far easier to fish jigs than before it rained. Two patterns are in...

    I am a jigger thru and thru but have found specific lure designs rule!

    Having done the bass tournament thing for years and used larger lures of all types to catch bass, I have no doubt I could still cast the different types and catch bass - but only bass. Of course, river smallies slammed Mr Twister curl tails in my local smallie river, but so did other lures. Back...

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    I fished weeds mostly early on with few fish caught. Not wanting to give up, I went north to the opposite end of the lake to a rocky area devoid of weeds. Earlier at the opposite end, another rock point produced some pan fish so I figured why not a flat in shallow water 3' or less? Sure enough...