Search results

  1. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Got to go fishing

    For the first time since my eye surgery, I got to go fishing. I was happier than a kid at Christmas. They were stocking trout that day and since I've never caught trout, I was pretty anxious. My wife, mom and I had a terrific day. It was mighty nice talking with other fishermen/women. There were...
  2. HairyMooseKnuckles

    From your internet buddy

    Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't been on much. My life has been turned upside down and I'm trying to figure out what's next for me. I've been having vision problems for about the last year. Whenever I read or use my eyes heavily for a few minutes, I start seeing double. My eye doc told me I have...
  3. HairyMooseKnuckles

    cheap storage

    I thought I would share my fly trying storage ideas. I'm always looking for cheap storage.  This main container came from Michaels. Normally , they are 10 bucks, but you can catch them on sale 3 for 10 or use their weekly coupon for 40 to 50% off. This is a 14" X 14" and it's about 3" deep...
  4. HairyMooseKnuckles


    Do you give your Mom anything for Valentine's Day? Here's what I am making my Mom. It's 16 gauge aluminum wire wrapped with red silver lined glass beads. The wrapping wire is 0.030 aluminum welding wire. I'm not done yet, I need to finish the other side with beads and then I bought a small...
  5. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Is it me?

    I'm getting a lot of these messages. Is it me or the site?
  6. HairyMooseKnuckles

    tonight's try

    I've been working on blending dubbing and wanted to see how it looked on a jig. I'm working on different ways to incorporate into my tying. Next time going to add a little sparkle. Of course this is just a rough draft, but what do you think? Dry Wet
  7. HairyMooseKnuckles


    On a recent visit, my 14 yo grandson was real interested in my fly tying stuff. I sat him down and helped him to ty a fly. He's mostly into electronics like most kids nowadays, but I was considering going a different route this year. I just bought a new vice and my old one is collecting dust. I...
  8. HairyMooseKnuckles

    different color

    Not sure about this one. I mixed together white fingernail polish, just a touch of Aztec gold powder and painted head. When it was dry, a coat of clear polish and followed it up with sparkle polish. Pearl grey marabou, flash, variegated coffe/white chenille.
  9. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Buddy's Birthday

    My best friend has a Birtgday this week. I need to get him some jigs mailed!!!
  10. HairyMooseKnuckles


    awhile back I ordered some Bucktail and marabou from a supplier. I'm just now getting around to using some of it. It looks like maybe it was an "In house" dye job. The color from the marabout comes off on my fingers and when I opened the Bucktail package, I noticed a smell. It's not a horrible...
  11. HairyMooseKnuckles


    Dubbing After playing around with different brands of yarn, I find I like Red Heart the best. It just seems to be softer and not get "pills" when I blend it. I'm on a dubbing kick at the moment. I've got about 8 different base colors I'm playing with.
  12. HairyMooseKnuckles

    tulip paint and bucktail

    I'm making a few up for a friend. Whatcha think?
  13. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Here's how my day went.

    I had a fun today. I tried some new to me techniques and tied a few flies. So, what did you guys do today? This is a pinkish shrimpy looking dubbing that I blended and then spun on a needle and coated in head cement. I made a tail for my damsel fly the same way. The black bands where made...
  14. HairyMooseKnuckles

    The Clem Kadittle Hopper

    My version of The Clem Kadittle Hopper. If you haven't watched Fish Tales, you really need to check out his videos on YouTube.
  15. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Allen Flyfishing

    Ordered some hooks online and had them in 3 days! They also gave me 3 fly boxes with my order. Good folks!
  16. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Damsel Fly

    Dubbing is Angora Goat, Wing of bucktail. Blue bead and size 12 Scud hook.
  17. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Caps Spider

    Ready for Bluegill? Wanted to break in the new vice tonight. This is a 1/124 jig. It's called a Caps Spider. Been wanting to try this one. I didn't have any chenille, so I had to substitute black sparkle braid. I also going to make a few with peacock herl as well.
  18. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Nor-vice first thoughts

    There's definitely going to be a learning curve. I can see it has both good and bad points. True, winding material is fast and efficient. The hook stays true on its axis and makes putting on thread, chenille, and dubbing almost effortless. Winding dubbing is different. No need for a dubbing loop...
  19. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Allen Hooks Sale!!!!!

    Today only 20% off all hooks!!! Plus 3 free fly boxes with a 60.00 order. Just ordered mine. Should have plenty of hooks for a little while
  20. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Vice Question

    I have a question. I want a Regal vice, but I'm trying to save a few pennies. I was wondering if I bought the head and stem of the Regal, would it fit my current base? Here is my current base of my Terra vice.