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  1. S

    Brown Trout Video

    Here is a video of a nice Brown I caught a few weeks back on one of my inline spinners that I produce it has a Crystal flash tail bit hard to see since the fish inhaled it.
  2. S

    Looking for a pourer

    I am looking for someone that pours small ice jigs with size 14 and 12 hooks I am a manufactuer and looking to expand my products. any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Ski
  3. S

    New creations

    Here are a few of my New creations. Just getting started with the jig thing. I am hiping I am on the right track any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ski's
  4. S

    New Guy

    Hello Everyone I would like to introduce myself my name is Jason Jablonski but you can call me Jay. I live in Zeeland Michigan about 20 miles west of Grand Rapids. I am the Owner of Ski's Spinners I make a variety of Products recently I started making Jigs with hand tied...