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  1. H

    The Legacy of our Mentors

    Gone but not forgotten: Uncle Shu for his creative spirit designing his own jig heads and surface plugs. Uncle Oja for his off the beaten path adventuring. Most of all John McKean aka JiggerJohn for laying the foundation of my current jig fishing success. Bout 15 yrs ago when I first started...
  2. H

    Who would have thought?

    Not your usual big rivers? They jump in shallow water?
  3. H

    Big Fish From Shore At Night On Jigs

    Very few alewives present & of course fewer predators, but bite ain't done yet with 5 MAs last night including maybe best wiper and wally of the season.. Few more tips to add: 1. Parallel to shore retrieves seem to get bit better than long cast straight out. 2. Stand positions need to be...
  4. H

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    Now that's progress - hotdogs, marshmellows, and JiggerJohn's fave canned corn. My mantra "bait? I don't need no f***ing bait". Yours could be "jigs? I don't need no f***ing jigs". Sorry, just jealous of your Canadian celebration.
  5. H

    Victory Jig Hooks

    Gamis don't normally break, they're tempered just hard enuf to bend out under excessive pull force. I've had no problems using rebent 604s, not so much confidence with 114s. Using rebent Mustads is indeed asking for problems. If excessively hard tempered, the hook will snap under pressure...
  6. H

    Celebration of Life trip

    Did your camera jockey get shutter finger? How many fish didya catch? Biggest? Luck out on the weather? Is that a walleye? Never seen one anywhere close to that dark color.
  7. H

    Big Fish From Shore At Night On Jigs

    Alewives bout done spawning and predators are few & far between. So guess I'll wrap up this topic with a few more rcomments. A large enuf net with a long enuf handle to serve as a walking stick on stumble rocks is a must. Ditto a skeet repellent as the time of year night time is the bite time...
  8. H

    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    Howdy ss, looking forward to what you have to share. At age 74 myself can't take it with me so I'm attempting to pass on what I learned. Anyone is welcome to ask questions and I will hold nothing back, except the locations of my honey holes which are very vulnerable to meathead harvest...
  9. H

    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    Yes John McK always provided feedback field testing for many jig crafters. His adaptive skill set was such that he was able to tweak successful catches with everything he tried hence his reports were always positive and encouraging. He mentioned sharing water with many legends - Bill, Buck...
  10. H

    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    "if it ain't troos ain't no use" was proven 2 nights ago here. Since natural pearl baitfish colors have been productive ain't fixed what ain't broke but night before that blown out conditions at my usual spot and a skunk at an opposite shore wind protected one gave me pause and I decided to pay...
  11. H

    Big Fish From Shore At Night On Jigs

    Any big water options for wiper and walleye ?
  12. H

    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    Your catches usually don't suck or gulp the lure into their mouths? Have you lost confidence in darker color tails?
  13. H

    Big Fish From Shore At Night On Jigs

    JJ1, walking rocky shoreline at night was a huge leap of faith here, find you a walleye lake with abundant alewives or shad hugging shoreline and you too can be pleasantly surprised at the results. This method will also produce wipers as big as the lake can support, last night zero wallys which...
  14. H

    Big Fish From Shore At Night On Jigs

    June tally: 84 total wallys, 59 master angler 8#+ 13 master angler wipers 8#+ 20 cats biggest 20# lots of chunk white bass
  15. H

    Victory Jig Hooks

    Never say never...few nights ago had on a big wally & now careful to react to sudden rips by dropping the rod tip felt a pop and loss of weight. What? not again thinking line failure but as it turns out the formerly 100% confidence Gami 604 actually broke. Oh well, 99% ain't bad.
  16. H

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    Yup, a good lure remains a good lure, cept when a bite slows I suspect that a lure can become recognizable as non-food fake and avoided. So every night I switch to something different. Haven't used the previously successful 3" pearl white PB Twitchtail Minnow much this year due to the recent...
  17. H

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    Your carrot stick translucent whitish pearl is prob my fave go to for current night app, in fact a cut in half pearl Yum Dinger looks identical to your picture, cept the cut leaves a flat front end and length is 3" or maybe slightly less. Started with it last night, then when that got torn up...
  18. H

    Victory Jig Hooks

    Few days ago had on a big wally and thinking it was whupped got careless on the last pull to shore. Big girl did an unexpected full blast U-turn and bent out my 2/0 114. Can't remember that happening before on many big fish, maybe I got used to the stronger 604s. Still got some painted 114...
  19. H

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    Any favorite colors that consistently work ?
  20. H

    I am a jigger thru and thru but have found specific lure designs rule!

    That out of the mold pearl 2" stick is to me a perfect shape (and color) and surprising that its not available commercially. For my seasonal larger targets a 3" version would be ideal. Since I'm apparently catching the same fish more than once I do need to alternate with boot tail thumpers to...