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    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    Hawn, you said a mouthful as always and I appreciate the ideas based on experiences you relay to this forum. usual... I have had different experiences testing and retesting all theories - yours included - before I accept them as undeniable facts. On any day, color is less important...

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    I fished weeds mostly early on with few fish caught. Not wanting to give up, I went north to the opposite end of the lake to a rocky area devoid of weeds. Earlier at the opposite end, another rock point produced some pan fish so I figured why not a flat in shallow water 3' or less? Sure enough...

    Another take on why fish (possibly) strike lures in general (not accepted by most)

    My other post regarding the magic of lure shapes that have kicked a** year after year - with many photos - illustrates my point when it comes to the magic of fish-provocative shapes and actions that never fail. Plus, many can be used with different presentations.

    Modifying soft plastics or using the originals in different ways

    When I get some on the hook, depending on whether stem or slime, I smash the lure on the surface a few times to get it off. No fish will bite a lure with even the tiniest amount on the hook. As you see from all the photos of all the mods that ALWAYS catch fish, I never consider that hunger...

    Modifying soft plastics or using the originals in different ways

    Our waters vary from swampy wetland shallow lakes to rocky bottom mountain lakes/ steep shore dropoffs. The lake all the fish came from was the former type. Depth most fish were easily caught was in 5' or less. We found an interesting pattern: small-leaf floating vegetation had more school fish...

    Modifying soft plastics or using the originals in different ways

    Didn't matter today. I boated 89 fish yesterday and my partner and I boated over 180 fish - all on different colors and lure shapes. Bass (one 3lb, 5 pickerel (one 3.25 lb), yellow and white perch, sunfish and mostly crappie. (Always wondered about the term artificial baits: Artificial...

    Modifying soft plastics or using the originals in different ways

    Some might ask, why use lures when live bait works just as well if not better? For me, catching fish just to catch fish is not challenging. Catching fish on various lure shapes and actions is. Today I caught 90 fish after 12:30 pm and on 5 different designs (mods), some on store-bought...

    Modifying soft plastics or using the originals in different ways

    The above is based on: The mystery why fish strike lures focuses on lure action. Lateral line sensitivity plus a fish's magnifying lenses in both eyes overload a fish's meager brain coupled with a bit of territoriality. I believe the last thing on a fish's brain is seeing a lure as a meal, but I...

    Modifying soft plastics or using the originals in different ways

    Another thing on lure shape. I assumed all lures had to have round bodies until I figured - what the H, why not cut a segment off a French Fry stick and add some different tails to it? Note: the stick in cross section is rectangular, not round and the ribbing is far from smooth like you find...

    Modifying soft plastics or using the originals in different ways

    Warning: the following is a loonng read. I just can't help myself. I got to modify baits weekly especially when the weather keeps me indoors. Retired, I can only fish some of the year - no more ice fishing for me - and must stay in touch with anything fishing related. (No TV shows thank you.)...

    Another take on why fish (possibly) strike lures in general (not accepted by most)

    I guess what is come down to (and has been ever since I caught fish on lures) is what fish strike and why. Resemblance to prey is not something I believe is a reason. Certain shapes and actions combined are key and which do so consistently is the question. It's like having more than one favorite...

    Another take on why fish (possibly) strike lures in general (not accepted by most)

    Wish I didn't lose my carriage in Walmart so often.

    Another take on why fish (possibly) strike lures in general (not accepted by most)

    Me too. My sub-hobby is lure design so having 4 rods with different lures ready to cast saves time. I photograph fish caught on new lures and store them on the PC in folders designated: a folder [name of the particular water fished] and within that, a folder: [date fish caught]. Photo-proof...

    Another take on why fish (possibly) strike lures in general (not accepted by most)

    I stick by the first statement and go from there. Wild animals - land and water - have amazing senses. I set mouse traps with a tiny bit of peanut butter in the traps' small cups and I catch 1-2 mice pert night. (I'm killing the little buggers that come out from under my jacuzzi to prevent...

    Another take on why fish (possibly) strike lures in general (not accepted by most)

    Color matters but when it matters it's hard to prove. I've used every color Mr Twister curl tail and caught fish on all of them. Even now, bright yellow, bright opaque chartreuse and bright pink will still catch fish. (BTW Different generations of fish don't confer with one another.) Do fish...

    Another take on why fish (possibly) strike lures in general (not accepted by most)

    Lure companies give names to lures that supposedly describe their shape and possibly their action such as shiner, dace, minnow, frog, tadpole, etc. names don't impress me - descriptions do - some of which I mentioned. Mr Twister Grub - no way a grub but definitely a flapping curl tail Note...

    Another take on why fish (possibly) strike lures in general (not accepted by most)

    Thanks H for your detailed reply. I have caught many freshwater species on lures I've made in different sizes, shapes and various colors for each design. Pretty much all of those lures are unnatural in all respects. But the definition of natural - existing in or caused by nature; not made or...

    Another take on why fish (possibly) strike lures in general (not accepted by most)

    Reaction strikes are probably more common than we might think. Please give examples of lures and lure movements that mimic forage that actually live in a fish's environment. Not too many lures I catch fish with do that and I challenge anyone to produce evidence that the word natural is in a...