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    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    I remember John's articles written during his time at FF. The best ever! He and I were in touch frequently by email and on jigcraft especially when it came to him trying my innovations and lure shapes. I miss him dearly and his feedback such as: He caught fish on every innovation I sent him...

    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    Some of the smaller lures are sucked in deep in the gullet making it a biatch to unhook! Most are lip-hooked. Even I am superstitious when it comes to fish recognizing a color pattern for example: smoke on top/pearl belly - minnow-like dark green back, chartreuse sides/ orange belly - yellow...

    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    As many know from the photos I've posted, creating lures not sold is my obsession followed by catching fish on them. Right know I'm concentrating on finesse plastic rigged on light jigheads. Of the 77 fish caught today, this fluorescent orange tail added to a black grub body did fantastic...

    Fish by the numbers or schoolies unit!

    I've posted large numbers caught in a single outing and there is a reason: schools of fish either of the same species or mixed, hit my lures one after another nonstop. It has been stated in different posts that fish get tired of a lure - the reason for changing. Fortunately this isn't true...

    Rain has saved the day in June!

    Got too hot and humid with not even a breeze plus the high humidity got me off the lake after 5 hours. But still, 65 fish on my creations in four hours! I go fishing to ask questions and get answers. Here are some examples today: Question: were there fish in the same spot I caught them...

    Rain has saved the day in June!

    Hopefully today will be just as fantastic!

    Rain has saved the day in June!

    Variety is the spice of fishing! Gone are the days that I only catch fewer fish on only one or two lures. Would have been more, but I got out late in the day after mowing the lawn and getting my sh** together.

    Rain has saved the day in June!

    We've had drought conditions for over 3 months and it affected various patterns I can count on in spring. Drenching rains in the last week have caused local waters to rise 3/4 of a foot and with it, placement of fish in areas far easier to fish jigs than before it rained. Two patterns are in...

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    No doubt! Confidence is key for using any lure. You have scenarios when to use certain colors; I use certain colors any time I fish knowing how well they've worked in the past. Good lures don't lose their catchability nor the colors that fish found acceptable in those lures.

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    Now that you mention it... yeah, I am superstitious when it comes to color preference. If a prototype caught fish the first time out, I note the color. The hybrid shown is an example of part intuition/ part guess that the color combo would do well - which it has from the first day...

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    Any of the lures I cast that catch fish consistently can be of one color and catch fish where I find them on any day.

    I am a jigger thru and thru but have found specific lure designs rule!

    That's the nice thing about coming up with and catching fish on many soft plastic shapes and actions - there will always be a huge selection of lures I can play with to catch any fish species I find in the waters I fish (except carp). Over 200 fish in June taken on 15 different lures.

    I am a jigger thru and thru but have found specific lure designs rule!

    Usually 2" is perfect for working weed pockets and over shallow flats. Jig wt. is very important!

    I am a jigger thru and thru but have found specific lure designs rule!

    Having done the bass tournament thing for years and used larger lures of all types to catch bass, I have no doubt I could still cast the different types and catch bass - but only bass. Of course, river smallies slammed Mr Twister curl tails in my local smallie river, but so did other lures. Back...

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    YOU GOT THAT RIGHT - ESPECIALLY IN WIND!!! As bad is when I have rod tips and line / jigs hanging close to each other with the inevitable tangles. My V-bottom is only 10' long and I need room for battery, livewell, large tackle/ misc. storage box, anchor, net, etc. I used to use a mono backing...

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    Combined weights of jig and lure get the lure to the fish hopefully 50' away. The deeper the water or the faster the retrieve in shallow water, the heavier the jig. Just the opposite for shallow water and the slower retrieve needed which requires a lighter jig head. I caught 25 fish in 2.5' of...

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    I used a very shallow cb - don't know the brand. It got bumped a few times like the PopR but the time of day and bright sun were all wrong for both. A skirted jig + trailer was my main lure fishing for SM in the river I fish - though rarely in 2' of water. Fishing for different species using UL...

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    Today was another day to remember - 105 fish caught on 4 rocky bottoms in 3' of water. Lures used were those that have done well since I first fished them a few weeks ago. The cone tail is at the top of the list and as usual, all fish attack it with gusto and held on. Different color combos did...

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    You can label your presentation any way you want but it doesn't alter the action you give the lure. I always assume fish are never feeding nor want to eat my lure when they strike. A lure design works some of the time, most of the time or rarely. I tested lures today that fall into those three...